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Catching Hell
Format: Open, non-DRM file. Winners will be sent the URL of a webpage where they can download the eBook in ePub or Kindle format. Book Two of The Diamond Brides series Anna Benson is an eager "May" to Zach Ormond's downright sexy "December". At age thirty-seven, Zach is a veteran catcher in the last years of his contract, grateful for a no-trade clause that will let him retire a star in Raleigh. Twenty-five-year-old Anna has grown up in the Rockets' front office; her grandfather has long groomed her to take over the team. When Zach finally realizes Anna is no longer a star-struck kid, their passion flares like a game-winning grand slam. But after a freak accident injures a young phenom and forces the team to land a new player, Anna must sacrifice Zach for the Rockets, convincing him to forfeit his hard-won no-trade guarantee. There's hell to pay. He's doing everything in his considerable seductive power to make her keep him--on the team and in her bed. How can Anna and Zach live happily ever after when their romance will destroy the team they love?
Romance, Fiction and Literature
Offerto da
BookViewCafe (Editore)
(User: chrisdolley)
April 2014
Inizia il: 2014-04-07
Termina il: 2014-04-28
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