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The Good BraiderOcchiata veloce
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The Good Braider
Terry Farish has garnered recognition from School Library Journal and YALSA for crafting one of the best YA books of the year with The Good Braider. Written in free verse, this haunting novel follows young Viola and her mother as they escape from war-torn South Sudan and make their way to Portland, Maine. There, Viola’s desire to adopt American culture conflicts with her mother’s demands for tradition. “Will go far to help students step outside of their own experience and walk a mile in another’s shoes.”—School Library Journal, starred review The Good Braider was selected as the 2013 Bank Street College of Education Best Book of the Year and a book of Outstanding Merit. In spare free verse laced with unforgettable images, Viola’s strikingly original voice sings out the story of her family’s journey from war-torn Sudan, to Cairo, and finally to Portland, Maine. Here, in the sometimes too close embrace of the local Southern Sudanese Community, she dreams of South Sudan while she tries to navigate the strange world of America—a world where a girl can wear a short skirt, get a tattoo or even date a boy; a world that puts her into sharp conflict with her traditional mother who, like Viola, is struggling to braid together the strands of a displaced life. Terry Farish’s haunting novel is not only a riveting story of escape and survival, but the universal tale of a young immigrant’s struggle to build a life on the cusp of two cultures. The author of The Good Braider has donated this book to the Worldreader program.
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Children's Books, Young Adult, Poetry, Teen, Fiction and Literature
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Recorded Books (Editore)
(User: Recorded_Books)
February 2014
Inizia il: 2014-02-03
Termina il: 2014-02-24
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Jungtinės Valstijos
Informazioni sul libroPagina LibraryThing dell'opera
9 recensiti, 2 contrassegnati come ricevuti
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