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Minister Without Portfolio
Henry Hayward is a drowning man. With a soured long-term romance finally at an end, no family, and no refuge to be had in work, his days are progressively spent in the solace of alcohol and his nights with a series of interchangeable partners. In a quest to simultaneously recover from unrequited love and to find meaning in what is becoming an increasingly emotionally arid life, Henry travels to Afghanistan as an army-affiliated contractor. Henry becomes embedded in the regiment with which his friends and fellow Newfoundlanders John Hynes, Patrick “Tender” Morris, and Rich Tobin are serving. At first, the unfamiliar routines and surroundings are comforting; in his efforts to adapt to a radically different environment, Henry doesn’t have time to think about his fixation on Nora or the fragments of his old life – a life he wasn’t really living anyway. But everything changes during a tragic roadside incursion; a routine patrol suddenly turns fatal. And Henry, who survives, knows in his heart that he is responsible. Upon his return home, now tormented by guilt in addition to ennui, Henry begins to feel even more rootless and restless than before until the question of his deceased friend’s old family summer home arises. As if this weren’t enough, matters are complicated by the grief of Martha, his deceased friend’s long-term girlfriend, with whom Henry once had an affair. In an unconventional twist of events, Henry attempts to bring meaning back into his life and make posthumous amends by planning to buy and repair his friend’s dilapidated family house. But he hasn’t factored family history into the picture – and Martha has a revelation of her own, which may change everything.
General Fiction, Fiction and Literature
Offerto da
Pintail (Editore)
(User: PintailBooks)
December 2013
Inizia il: 2013-12-02
Termina il: 2013-12-30
In vendita
Jungtinės Valstijos
Informazioni sul libroPagina LibraryThing dell'opera
8 recensiti, 6 contrassegnati come ricevuti, 2 contrassegnati come non ricevuti
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