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Trouble with Air and Magic
Format: Open, non-DRM file. Winners will be sent the URL of a webpage where they can download the eBook in ePub or Kindle format. Dorothea Franklin's life is sliding toward disaster just as surely as her house is crumbling into the Pacific. Her unusual talent for feng shui can't bring harmony to her invalid father or prevent her brother from dying in an experimental helicopter crash. Or has he? She turns to computer genius Conan Oswin, whose brother also reportedly died that day. When Dorothea informs Conan that she didn't feel the vibrations of her brother's death, he wants to dismiss her illogic... but his instinct for trouble is already on full alert. His attraction to her is almost as distracting as her nonsense about chi and harmony -- nonsense that plants doubts about the deadly crash. If only she would quit twisting his head with temptation, he might be able to save their brothers and her life. Author Bio: With several million books in print, and New York Times and USA Today bestseller lists under her belt, Patricia Rice is one of romance's hottest authors. Her emotionally-charged contemporary and historical romances have won numerous awards, including the RT Book Reviews Reviewers Choice and Career Achievement Awards. Her books have been honored as Romance Writers of America RITA® finalists in the historical, regency and contemporary categories.
Romance, Fiction and Literature
Offerto da
BookViewCafe (Editore)
(User: chrisdolley)
January 2013
Inizia il: 2013-01-07
Termina il: 2013-01-28
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27 recensiti, 11 contrassegnati come ricevuti, 13 contrassegnati come non ricevuti
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