Classificazione LCPA4413.T7

Opere scelte (408 totale)

Etichette correlate

5th century BC(81) academia(6) academic(24) ancient(296) ancient civilizations(5) Ancient Classics(17) Ancient Greece(630) ancient literature(217) ancient texts(8) ancient world(47) ancients(14) Antigone(190) antiquity(221) Athens(11) attic(5) bce(7) blindness(6) canon(20) classic(677) classical antiquity(39) classical civilization(6) classical drama(25) Classical Greece(27) Classical Greek Literature(26) classical mythology(11) classical studies(100) classical texts(8) classicism(5) classics(2,004) Cliffs Notes(17) college(23) Commentaries(20) Commentary(74) compilation(7) critical theory(6) epic(15) ethics(11) Europe(13) exile(9) Fagles(5) family(35) fate(19) Fine Arts(6) folklore(15) folklore and mythology(6) goddesses(6) gods(16) Greco-Roman(30) Greco-Roman mythology(17) Greece & Rome(5) Greek(1,557) greek culture(6) Greek drama(356) Greek fiction(12) Greek language(14) Greek mythology(177) Greek philosophy(7) Greek poetry(13) Greek text(54) Greeks(37) hallway(31) Heaney(6) hero(6) heroes(6) high school(53) history(109) Homer(5) Humanities(5) incest(57) Irish(9) kings(6) Language and Literature(9) legend(7) literary(13) literary classic(9) literary criticism(64) literary fiction(20) literature(938) Literature & Fiction(15) Logos(54) man(5) Mediterranean(5) mitologia(7) Mitología(10) myth(44) myths(20) paper(13) partial(11) patricide(5) Performing Arts(6) plays(1,491) playscript(21) poems(7) poetry(326) Poetry & Drama(6) political theory(9) politics(14) primary source(15) prophecy(15) psychology(18) reference(28) religion(17) revenge(9) royalty(16) school(84) script(85) study guide(9) suicide(19) text(23) theatre(1,089) theatre history(8) Theatre Studies(5) Thebes(30) tragedies(54) undergrad(9) verse(6) war(12) world literature(40)

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