Indie DIY

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For people wanting to do it themselves in art, music, technology and life. Review how-to books and share tips on how to make cool things cheaply.

Keywords: make, art, knitting, music, punk, electronics, computers, furniture, grafitti, anti-corporate, comics, coding, dumpster diving, scavenging, recycling, re-using, repurposing, fun!

ArgomentoArgomentoMessaggiUltimo messaggio 
What Are You Reading?6 non letti / 6SileORodaigh, Mag 2009
Bone art book1 non letto / 1KingRat, Dicembre 2008
short story website1 non letto / 1sean2euro, Luglio 2008
How to make a CD rack: A Challenge!2 non letti / 2AsYouKnow_Bob, Dicembre 2007
Indie DIY Message Board3 non letti / 3lucienspringer, Luglio 2006
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