Non-food Books with Food or Beverage-related Titles

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Submit book titles containing food or food-related terms but aren't about food or cooking - and please try to submit classics or well-known works. The list is for a fundraising project for a public library's centennial celebration. For example: Cakes and Ale - W. Somerset Maugham. English only, please. No "pre-food" animals (e.g., The Great Shark Hunt) and no cannibalism.

ArgomentoArgomentoMessaggiUltimo messaggio 
Seafood5 non letti / 5varielle, Marzo 2019
Dessert7 non letti / 7varielle, Dicembre 2017
Condiments6 non letti / 6shearon, Agosto 2013
Fruit27 non letti / 27varielle, Aprile 2013
Bread3 non letti / 3macart3, Luglio 2011
Vegetables5 non letti / 5digifish_books, Settembre 2008
Drinks8 non letti / 8digifish_books, Agosto 2008
Lack of Food5 non letti / 5stringcat3, Agosto 2008
Seeds and Planting4 non letti / 4StringerTowers, Luglio 2008
Snacks & Appetizers9 non letti / 9StringerTowers, Luglio 2008
Meat9 non letti / 9StringerTowers, Luglio 2008
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