EventiCongress of Vienna

Opere (30)

L' arte della diplomazia di Henry Kissinger
The Cocoa Conspiracy di Andrea Penrose
The Congress of Vienna, 1814-15;: The diplomacy surrounding the end of the Napoleonic era (A World focus book) di Emil Lengyel
Il Congresso di Vienna (Le Navi) (Italian Edition) di Harold Nicolson
The Foreign Ministers of Alexander I di Patricia Kennedy Grimsted
History of the World From the Congress of Vienna to the Fall of Shanghai di Elizabeth Warren
The Invisible Emperor: Napoleon on Elba from Exile to Escape di Mark Braude
Lord Greywell's Dilemma di Laura Matthews
Memoirs of Prince Metternich 1773-1815 di Metternich By, Prince Richard Ed.
Metternich's Europe 1813-1828 di Mack Walker
Metternich: The Autobiography, 1773-1815 di Clemens von Metternich
The Monroe Doctrine, 1823: A Landmark in American Foreign Policy di Harold Cecil Vaughan
Moral Minority: Our Skeptical Founding Fathers di Brooke Allen
Napoleon's Master: A Life of Prince Talleyrand di David Lawday
An Old Scandal di Caroline Brooks
Petals in the Storm di Mary Jo Putney
Phantom Terror: Political Paranoia and the Creation of the Modern State, 1789-1848 di Adam Zamoyski
Russia and Europe 1789-1825 di Andreĭ Lobanov-Rostovsky
Soldiers, Statecraft, and History: Coercive Diplomacy and International Order di James A. Nathan
Talleyrand: A Biography di Jack F. Bernard
Vienna Waltz di Teresa Grant
A World Restored: Metternich, Castlereagh and the Problems of Peace, 1812-1822 di Henry A. Kissinger
The Escape from Elba di Norman MacKenzie1814-08 to 1815-06
The Final Act : The Roads to Waterloo di Gregor Dallas1815-06
The Congress of Vienna (Milestones in Modern World History) di Alan Allport1815
Vienna 1814: How the Conquerors of Napoleon Made Love, War, and Peace at the Congress of Vienna di David King1815
The Idea of Europe. 200 years of the Congress of Vienna di Republik Österreich. Bundeskanzleramt1814-1815
Playing God: Seven Fateful Moments When Great Men Met to Change the World di Charles L. Mee1815
Rites of Peace: The Fall of Napoleon and the Congress of Vienna di Adam Zamoyski1814-1815
Der Wiener Kongress Geschichte und Geschichten eines Welttheaters di Klaus Günzel1814-1815