PersonaggiMarie de France

Persone/Personaggi per copertina

Opere (26)

The Anonymous Marie de France di R. Howard Bloch
The Breton lay: a guide to varieties di Mortimer J. Donovan
Chivalric Romances: Popular Literature in Medieval England di Lee C. Ramsey
La dame d'Aquitaine di Jacques Chaban-Delmas1145-1198
English Medieval Romance di W. R. J. Barron
Erotica: Women's Writing from Sappho to Margaret Atwood di Margaret Reynolds
Forest of dreams: The Laylines trilogy di Sophie Masson
French Women Poets of Nine Centuries: The Distaff and the Pen di Norman R. Shapiro
The Gilded Page: The Secret Lives of Medieval Manuscripts di Mary Wellesley
Knights of Love: After the Lais of Marie de France: After the "Lais of Marie De France" di Jane Tozer
Les lais de marie de France di Tuffrau Paul
Les Lais de Marie de France di Harry F. Williams
Les lais de Marie de France : du conte merveilleux à la nouvelle psychologique di Serge Gut
Les lais de Marie de France: Contes d'amour et d'aventure du Moyen Âge (Littératures modernes) di Philippe Ménard
I lais: storie medievali in versi di de France Marie
The Literature of Medieval England di Durant Waite Robertson
Marie De France & The Poetics of Memory di Logan E. Whalen
Marie de France: "Lais" (Critical Guides to French Texts) di Paula Clifford
Marie de France: an analytical bibliography (Research Bibliographies and Checklists) di Glyn S. Burgess
Marie de France: Poetry di de France Marie
Marie de France: The Lays Gugemar, Lanval and a fragment of Yonec With a study of the life and work of the author di Julian Harris
Medieval Folklore: A Guide to Myths, Legends, Tales, Beliefs, and Customs di Carl Lindahl
A Medieval Miscellany di Judith Herrin
Medieval romance: themes and approaches (English literature) di John E. Stevens
Oyez ke dit Marie: Etude sur les Lais de Marie de France (XIIe siecle) di Claude-Henry Joubert
Uppity Women of Medieval Times di Vicki Leon