PersonaggiElizabeth Ann Seton

Persone/Personaggi per copertina

Opere (24)

American Saint: The Life of Elizabeth Seton di Joan Barthel
Blessed Mother Seton di Richard Cushing
Elizabeth Ann Seton di Anne Merwin
Elizabeth Ann Seton: A Self Portrait (1774-1821) A study of Her Spirituality in Her Own Words di Sister Marie Celeste
Elizabeth Ann Seton: A Woman of Prayer : Meditations, Reflections, Prayers and Poems Taken from Her Writings di Elizabeth Ann Seton
Elizabeth Ann Seton: Mother for Many (Saints and Me!) di Barbara Yoffie
Elizabeth Ann Seton: Saint for a New Nation di Julie Walters
Elizabeth Ann Seton: Wife, mother, sister, Saint ; a biography for young readers di Janet S Wiley
Elizabeth Bayley Seton, 1774-1821 di Annabelle M. Melville
Kat Finds a Friend, a St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Story (Glory of America, Catholic girls of the U.S.A) di Joan Stromberg
Letters of Mother Seton to Mrs. Julianna Scott di Joseph B Code
Mother Elizabeth Ann Seton di Mary Coyle O'Neil
Mother Seton and the Sisters of Charity di Alma Power-Waters
Mother Seton starts a school: A story about Elizabeth Seton (Christian heroes) di Jan Johnson
Mother Seton, mother of many daughters di Charles I. White
Mother Seton: First American-Born Saint (Archway Paperback Editions) di Alma Power-Waters
Mother Seton: Saint Elizabeth of New York (1774-1821) di Leonard Feeney
Mother Seton: Wife, Mother, Educator, Foundress, Saint di Daughters of St. Paul
Mrs. Seton, foundress of the American Sisters of Charity di Joseph I. Dirvin
Praying With Elizabeth Seton (Companions for the Journey) di Margaret Alderman
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton di Lawrence G. Lovasik
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton (Stories of the Saints for Young People Ages 10 to 100) di Jen Murvin Edwards
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Daughter of America (Encounter the Saints Series #3) di Jeanne Marie Grunwell
The Soul of Elizabeth Seton: A Spiritual Portrait di Joseph I. Dirvin