Immagine dell'autore.

Ghassan Kanafani (1936–1972)

Autore di Men in the Sun and Other Palestinian Stories

58+ opere 774 membri 31 recensioni 2 preferito


Kanafani was born in Acre and worked for a time in Kuwait as a teacher. He edited a daily newspaper in Beirut until he was blown up by a bomb placed in his car. His novels, short stories, and one play are interwoven with the tragedy of the Palestinian refugees. (Bowker Author Biography)
Fonte dell'immagine: / Wikimedia Commons

Opere di Ghassan Kanafani

Uomini sotto il sole (1963) 81 copie
All That's Left to You (1990) 48 copie
On Zionist Literature (2022) 13 copie
أم سعد (2013) 12 copie
العاشق 4 copie
Contes de Palestine (1979) 2 copie
Se tu fossi un cavallo (1993) 2 copie
????? ????? 1 copia
الباب 1 copia
?? ??? 1 copia
Güneşteki Adamlar (2023) 1 copia
A Bridge to Eternity (2013) 1 copia

Opere correlate

The Anchor Book of Modern Arabic Fiction (2006) — Collaboratore — 104 copie
Modern Arabic Short Stories (1967) — Collaboratore — 43 copie
One World of Literature (1992) — Collaboratore — 24 copie
Arabic Short Stories (1983) — Collaboratore — 22 copie
Erkundungen : 16 palästinensische Erzähler — Autore, alcune edizioni3 copie


Informazioni generali

Nome canonico
Kanafani, Ghassan
Nome legale
غسان كنفاني
Data di nascita
Data di morte
Nazione (per mappa)
Luogo di nascita
Acre, Palestine
Luogo di morte
Beirut, Lebanon
Causa della morte
Luogo di residenza
Akka, Palestine
Damascus, Syria
Beirut, Lebanon
University of Damascus
Attività lavorative
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Premi e riconoscimenti
Lotus Prize for Literature (1975)
Breve biografia
Author, spokesman for Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine; killed by carbomb, under the suspected direction of the Mossad.



"لا شيء. لا شيء أبدا. كنت أتساءل فقط. أفتش عن فلسطين الحقيقية. فلسطين التي هي أكثر من ذاكرة، أكثر من ريشة طاووس، أكثر من ولد، أكثر من خرابيش قلم رصاص على جدار السلم.
وكنت أقول لنفسي: ما هي فلسطين بالنسبة لخالد؟ إنه لا يعرف المزهرية، ولا الصورة، ولا السلم ولا الحليصة ولا خلدون، ومع ذلك فهي بالنسبة له جديرة بأن يحمل المرء السلاح ويموت في سبيلها، وبالنسبة لنا أنا و أنت ، مجرد تفتيش عن شيء تحت غبار الذاكرة، وانظري ماذا وجدنا تحت الغبار... غبارا جديدا أيضا! لقد أخطأنا حين اعتبرنا أن الوطن هو الماضي فقط، أما خالد فالوطن عنده هو المستقبل، وهكذا كان الافتراق، وهكذا أراد خالد أن يحمل السلاح. عشرات الألوف مثل خالد لا تستوقفهم الدموع المفلولة لرجال يبحثون في أغوار هزائمهم عن حطام الدروع وتفل الزهور، وهم إنما ينظرون للمستقبل، ولذلك هم يصححون أخطاءنا، وأخطاء العالم كله.."… (altro)
Maaly_Ahmed | 4 altre recensioni | Feb 25, 2024 |
4.5 stars
Ghassan Kanafani, the author, was killed by a car bomb. He was a journalist who wrote for several newspapers before starting a magazine called Al-Hadaf in 1969.
He believed that there would be no solution to the problem in Palestine unless the Arab world had a social revolution.

Men in the Sun, 5 stars
Three Palestinian men are trying to make their way from a refugee camp in Iraq to Kuwait, in order to get jobs to support their families. One is an old man, one is a young man, just dropping out of school, and the other is of marrying age.
Abu Qais, the older of the three, recalls a teacher from the their village, Ustaz Selim, who had died before the Jews kicked them out of their land:
"... The mercy of God be upon you, ustaz selim, the mercy of God be upon you. God was certainly good to you when he made you die one night before The wretched village fell into the hands of the jews. One night only. O god, is there any Divine favor greater than that? It is true that the men were too busy to bury you and honor you and your death. But all the same you stayed there. You stayed there. You saved yourself humiliation and wretchedness, and you preserved your old age from shame. The mercy of God be upon you, Ustaz Selim. If you had lived, if you had been drowned by poverty as I have, I wonder if you would have done what I am doing now. Would you have been willing to carry all your years on your shoulders and flee across the desert to Kuwait to find a crust of bread?"
Marwan is the young man of the group. His father left his mother and their family to go live with a young woman who was given a house by a charity group. Her left leg had been blown off. Now his family is destitute without any support, which is why he wants to go work in the Kuwait oil fields.
"Yet he couldn't hate his father so much, for the simple reason that his father still loved them all. Marwan had been completely convinced of that when he went to say goodbye to his father before he left. He did not tell his mother that he was going to shafiqa's house, or she would have been beside herself. His father said to him there:
'you know that I have no choice in the matter. It is something that has been decreed for us since the beginning of creation.'
Shafiqa said:
'we suggested to your mother that she should come and live here but she didn't agree. What more do you want us to do?' "

There are many smugglers in Basra, and most of them charge 15 dinars ($49.38). they have heard that the guides will leave them on the road, and tell them to walk the rest of the way by themselves. They show them the lights in the distance, saying that they are the lights of Kuwait. But when they get near, they see they are a village of Bedouins.
The sun is a blazing torrent of fire that pours down on anyone attempting this desert crossing.
It is august, and Google reports that the desert near Kuwait can get up to 130° f.
Abul Khaizuran drives a water tanker. He meets with the men, and offers to smuggle them inside the water tanker for 10 dinars. They will ride on top of the truck, and one can sit inside with the driver, But when they get near to the checkpoints, they will need to climb inside of the empty water tanker. It will only take Abul Khaizuran 7 minutes, tops, to go inside, get the papers signed, jump back in the truck, drive a little ways, and let them out of the water tanker.
But on the second checkpoint, the officials start teasing Abul Khaizuran about spending a night with a sex worker, and end up taking 36 minutes before he can get his papers signed and run back to the truck, start it up and, as soon as he gets past a little hill, stops and opens the cover of the water tanker.
Guess what Abul Khaizuran finds when he opens the tanker?

From a footnote to the story:
"Those who have seen the filmed version of the novella, Al-Makhdûcûn (The Deceived, 1972), will realize that the plot has been altered, so that the three Palestinians who in the book die in silence are shown in the film beating on the walls of their hiding place as they suffocate, to attract the attention of those outside. A film similar to The novella and its denouement would have appeared glaringly incongruous at a time when the resistance movements were established."

The Sad Oranges, 4 stars
The story recounts the life of a family, living in palestine, who had a large orange orchard. One night Jews came and they had to quickly load up their household onto a truck. They stopped by the side of the road to buy some oranges from a peasant standing there.
As The story goes the oranges would shrivel up if a change occurred and they were watered by a strange hand.
The family was destroyed by the change.

If You Were a Horse.. , 2 stars
A superstition about a creature born with a blood-stain birthmark on its side causes self-fulfilling deaths

A Hand in the Grave, 3 stars
A Turkish peasant has the last laugh when a couple of medical students try to rob a skeleton from his "graveyard."

Umm Saad, 3 stars
A mother's son joins the Arab guerillas, who fight against the israelis, and she's worried about him.
When her son goes off to be a soldier, Umm Ssad wants to follow him.
" 'God bless them all.' She falls silent for a moment, then turned to face me. 'Do you think he'd be pleased if I went to see him? I can save the money for the journey, and get there in 2 days.' She remembered something and finished off: 'do you know something? children are slavery. If I didn't have these two children, I'd have followed him. I'd have lived there with him. In a tent, yes, a tent and a refugee camp is quite different from one in a guerilla base. I would have lived with them, cooked for them, done all I could for them. But children are slavery.' "
I wish I could read the whole novel that this is an excerpt from.

The Falcon, 4 stars
This is a beautiful story about a man who had a falcon, who helped him to hunt gazelles. One day the falcon was hunting a gazelle, but it would not attack it. Instead, they became friends.

Letter from Gaza, 4 stars
So sad, this story, about a man whose friend gets a job teaching in a California university, and he wants his friend to join him there. But he decides to stay with his beloved Gaza. The story is a letter to his friend, pleading with him to come back to Gaza.

… (altro)
burritapal | 9 altre recensioni | Oct 23, 2022 |
قرأت لغسان كنفاني منذ أمد بعيد مجموعة قصصية عن معاناة شعب النكبة في فلسطين السليبة ومن المعروف عنه أنه من أدباء المقاومة وشهدائها، ولذلك يدهشني قراءة هذا العمل المختلف تماماً والذي يعالج ثوابت اجتماعية مثل العدالة والحب والزواج والخيانة وعبثية البحث عن العدل في الحياة. هذه الرواية القصيرة كتبت في عام 1966 ومع ذلك فهي تقرأ كعمل معاصر يتعامل مع مشاعر وحالات إنسانية لا ترتبط بالزمان والمكان.

القصة تأخذ شكل العمل البوليسي ويدور فيها التحقيق حول مقتل ليلى الحايك وتروى من وجهة نظر المحامي المتهم بقتلها. نجح غسان الكنفاني في استخدام عنصر الحبكة البوليسية من تحقيق ومحاكمة ومرافعات ولكنه عرض في نفس الوقت التجربة الإنسانية للمتهم والضحية وجميع الظروف المعقدة التي أدت إلى الجريمة في تأملات المحامي حول الحقيقة والعدل والحياة بشكل عام وهو يواجه حبل المشنقة لجريمة لم يرتكبها.
أعتقد بدون شك أن غسان كنفاني كاتب سابق لعصره
… (altro)
moukayedr | 1 altra recensione | Sep 5, 2021 |
The story of three Palestinian men trying to escape to Kuwait for the sake of better living. I could empathise with their story because I'm already familiar with the plight of the Palestinians, or immigrants in general. The novel in itself did not make me connect with the characters at all. The narration style was rough and all over the place. Sometimes the transition from one dialogue to another was so abrupt I had to reread that part to know who's talking or what's happening. Of course this won't be my last read for Ghassan Kanafani since the man is worth more than this novel.… (altro)
meddz | Jun 11, 2021 |


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