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Sweet Tooth 2: In Captivity di Jeff Lemire
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Sweet Tooth 2: In Captivity (originale 2010; edizione 2010)

di Jeff Lemire (Autore), Jeff Lemire (Illustratore)

Serie: Sweet Tooth (issues 6-11)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
3011590,635 (3.96)41
Following on the heels of The Nobody, his Vertigo graphic novel debut, writer/artist Jeff Lemire pens his very first ongoing series Sweet Tooth. A cross between Bambi and Cormac McCarthy's The Road, Sweet Tooth tells the story of Gus, a rare new breed of human/animal hybrid children, has been raised in isolation following an inexplicable pandemic that struck a decade earlier. Now, with the death of his father he's left to fend for himself . . . until he meets a hulking drifter named Jepperd who promises to help him. Jepperd and Gus set out on a post-apocalyptic journey into the devastated American landscape to find "The Preserve" a refuge for hybrids. In this second volume, Lemire explores the heartbreaking story of Jepperd and how he went from a devoted husband to the ruthless mercenary he is now. Meanwhile, Gus is captured in a camp with other hybrid creatures where he meets Dr. Singh, a scientist studying the plague that's wiped out so much of the world. By traveling more into Gus' past, Singh will learn more about the plague, as well as clues to how some of it might relate to Gus and his father.… (altro)
Titolo:Sweet Tooth 2: In Captivity
Autori:Jeff Lemire (Autore)
Altri autori:Jeff Lemire (Illustratore)
Info:Vertigo (2010), Edition: 57986th, 144 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, Lista dei desideri, In lettura, Da leggere, Letti ma non posseduti, Preferiti

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In Cattività. Sweet tooth 2 di Jeff Lemire (2010)

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» Vedi le 41 citazioni

Rated "Good" in our old book database. ( )
  villemezbrown | Aug 4, 2024 |
Holy revelations Batman! It is revealed that Jepperd has a past and maybe a heart. We find out that Gus is more than he appears to be, and his origin story - is steeped in some messed up science not some messed up Christian prophecy. Will Gus and Jepperd reunite in coming issues? Will Gus survive?

I have a lot of questions. ( )
  ryantlaferney87 | Dec 8, 2023 |
Lemire's work on this is pretty incredible/heartwrenching (the art of the camp is really startling after the first volume), and I'm really curious to see how all of this plays out. There are a few eye-rolling bits here and there but this is definitely one of the better post-apocalypse stories that I've read recently. ( )
  skolastic | Feb 2, 2021 |
Jepperd's back story tho :'-( The art continues to mesmerize me (the hypnosis scene *_*) and the story is pretty good's a very familiar apocalyptic-story-told-via-flashback which you'd think might be old by now but I find myself really intrigued. Probably because the premise (animal hybrid children) is just so freaking bizarre. But somehow it really works. ( )
  EliseLaForge | Nov 20, 2018 |
Für Sweet Tooth war es eine harte Erfahrung von seinem Beschützer derart verraten worden zu sein. Nun befindet er sich in einem Lager, wo er noch mehr Kinder seiner Art trifft. Kaum eines von ihnen kann sich artikulieren. Sie scheinen zutiefst zerstört. Sweet Tooth wird ziemlich schnell zu einem interessanten Forschungsobjekt und er muss sich auf eine Reise in seine Vergangenheit begeben.
Doch auch Jepperd, Tooth´ Beschützer, ergeht es nicht besser. Nachdem er den Jungen ausgeliefert hat, begibt er sich auf eine letzte Mission…

Auch der zweite Band überzeugt wieder mit Düsterkeit und einem kleinen bisschen Melancholie. Die Geschichten der Protagonisten werden nun etwas deutlicher. Dieser Band lebt besonders von Rückblenden, sei es nun auf Seiten von Sweet Tooth oder Jepperds.
Der Leser erfährt, was wirklich hinter der harten Schale von Jepperd steckt und wie er zu dem wurde, was er heute ist.
Tooth hingegen kämpft um sein Überleben, denn was mit ihm geschieht, versteht er nicht.
Doch seine Rolle in der ganzen Geschichte scheint eine besondere zu sein.

Dieser Band setzt den wundervollen ersten Comic Sweet Tooth Vol 1 – Out of the deep woods fort. Die Welt ist verlassen und Tooth nun auf sich alleine gestellt. Nachdem sein Vertrauen nun schon einmal erschüttert wurde, fällt es ihm schwer sich zu öffnen. Wird er die Wahrheit erkennen und nicht länger nur ein unbeteiligtes Objekt bleiben? Wir werden sehen. ( )
  TheFallingAlice | Jan 15, 2017 |
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Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Jeff Lemireautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Harras, BobA cura diautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Pichetshote, PornsakA cura diautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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Following on the heels of The Nobody, his Vertigo graphic novel debut, writer/artist Jeff Lemire pens his very first ongoing series Sweet Tooth. A cross between Bambi and Cormac McCarthy's The Road, Sweet Tooth tells the story of Gus, a rare new breed of human/animal hybrid children, has been raised in isolation following an inexplicable pandemic that struck a decade earlier. Now, with the death of his father he's left to fend for himself . . . until he meets a hulking drifter named Jepperd who promises to help him. Jepperd and Gus set out on a post-apocalyptic journey into the devastated American landscape to find "The Preserve" a refuge for hybrids. In this second volume, Lemire explores the heartbreaking story of Jepperd and how he went from a devoted husband to the ruthless mercenary he is now. Meanwhile, Gus is captured in a camp with other hybrid creatures where he meets Dr. Singh, a scientist studying the plague that's wiped out so much of the world. By traveling more into Gus' past, Singh will learn more about the plague, as well as clues to how some of it might relate to Gus and his father.

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