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Night of the Necromancer (Fighting Fantasy)…
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Night of the Necromancer (Fighting Fantasy) by Jackson, Steve, Livingstone, Ian (2010) Paperback (edizione 2010)

di Steve Jackson (Autore)

Serie: Fighting Fantasy (Wizard Editions)

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411628,028 (4.5)Nessuno
Death is not the end...You are a knightly warrior, returning to your ancestral castle having been away for a number of years fighting a crusade against the forces of darkness in the Mauristatian principality of Bathoria. You are just within sight of home when you are struck down by a band of murderers. Driven by the need to know why you have been killed, and on whose orders, you rise again as a ghost. This is where your adventure begins, as you set out to solve the mystery of your own murder. All that follows occurs during the course of one night.… (altro)
Titolo:Night of the Necromancer (Fighting Fantasy) by Jackson, Steve, Livingstone, Ian (2010) Paperback
Autori:Steve Jackson (Autore)
Info:Icon Books (2010), 320 pages
Collezioni:Gamebooks, La tua biblioteca

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Night of the Necromancer di Jonathan Green (Author)

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This is a really fun deviation from the normal ff books. You start off dead, and you need to get revenge for your murder. There are lots of skills you can pick up, becoming different types of undead as you go. It's bigger than usual too, which is kind of exciting just for the novelty value. Maybe this one is a bit hard,because I couldn't get past a bit where I had to use a simple code to move forward but all the words I tried were wrong. Maybe I'm just an idiot! Will come back to this one again for sure. Definitely one of the best.

Second attempt, March 2023. Got a bit closer, getting my head around this book now. Couldn't get past the spirit lock. ( )
  elahrairah | Apr 29, 2022 |
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Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Green, JonathanAutoreautore primariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Jackson, SteveA cura diautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Livingstone, IanA cura diautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
McKenna, MartinIllustratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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For Martin McKenna - thank you
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As the sun sets - a ball of molten iron sinking into the chill waters of the Diamond Sea - you catch sight of Valsinore at long last.
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Death is not the end...You are a knightly warrior, returning to your ancestral castle having been away for a number of years fighting a crusade against the forces of darkness in the Mauristatian principality of Bathoria. You are just within sight of home when you are struck down by a band of murderers. Driven by the need to know why you have been killed, and on whose orders, you rise again as a ghost. This is where your adventure begins, as you set out to solve the mystery of your own murder. All that follows occurs during the course of one night.

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