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The Cybergypsies

di Indra Sinha

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80Nessuno346,183 (3.65)Nessuno
THE CYBERGYPSIES describes one man's exploration of cyberspace over many years and the folk he meets on the Net, the cybergypsies: virus writers, hackers, witches, sex-peddlars, conmen, net vamps, randy paratroopers posing as girls; the A-bomb blueprints he was offered for sale. He recounts with startling honesty how he nearly lost everything because of his obsession with the Net and how the Net can be as dangerous and destructive as any drug addiction. However, the author also shows how the Internet can be used for positive aims, as he describes how he fought for human rights with desperate appeals for the Kurdish refugees in the wake of the Gulf War and justice for Bhopal's gas victims in campaigns involving Jeffrey Archer and Don McCullin.… (altro)
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It's 3am and I'm online to Jesus Slutfucker.
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Wikipedia in inglese (2)

THE CYBERGYPSIES describes one man's exploration of cyberspace over many years and the folk he meets on the Net, the cybergypsies: virus writers, hackers, witches, sex-peddlars, conmen, net vamps, randy paratroopers posing as girls; the A-bomb blueprints he was offered for sale. He recounts with startling honesty how he nearly lost everything because of his obsession with the Net and how the Net can be as dangerous and destructive as any drug addiction. However, the author also shows how the Internet can be used for positive aims, as he describes how he fought for human rights with desperate appeals for the Kurdish refugees in the wake of the Gulf War and justice for Bhopal's gas victims in campaigns involving Jeffrey Archer and Don McCullin.

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