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Sto caricando le informazioni... The Living Dead 2 (2010)di John Joseph Adams (A cura di)
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Iscriviti per consentire a LibraryThing di scoprire se ti piacerà questo libro. Attualmente non vi sono conversazioni su questo libro. This was the second zombie anthology I've read in as many years - I got them together at a book sale. Just like the other (different publisher, different editor, different stories, but familiar authors) it was hit or miss. I think the best stories were the non-traditional zombie stories - a handful told from the zombie's point of view, a few about zombies more on the philosophical side rather than the horror side. I'd give it 3 stars. ( ) "Is it necrophilia if you're both dead?" Reading this now, during the COVID-19 pandemic, makes me think how it could be worse! 😀 Reading some of these on the day that celebrates Jesus rising from the dead makes me think that it could be better too! The undead on these pages are not so forgiving! Lots of short stories in here! Some hits, some misses, but all zombies! You have stories from "The Walking Dead"'s Robert Kirkman and "World War Z"'s Max Brooks, among many others. My favorite in this collection was "Twenty-Three Snapshots of San Francisco" by Seth Lindberg. I also enjoyed "The Rapeworm" by Charles Coleman Finlay quite a bit! And for a complete and total gross out, please enjoy "Zombie Gigolo" by S.G. Browne! ex. - "If you've never had maggots crawling around inside your rectal cavity and feasting on your subcutaneous fat, you probably wouldn't understand." No Mr. Browne. No I wouldn't. The zombie theme has never been more actual as it is these days, with literature and both screens – the big and the small one – often employing it for stories, although it’s difficult to find tales that try to look beyond the far-too-easy shock of blood and gore, focusing rather on the psychology of characters and their reaction to the apocalypse they are desperately trying to survive. Recently I discovered a sampler of this book through the Baen Free Library showcasing some of the stories contained in one of two larger anthologies dedicated to the living dead, and decided to take a look: some of the offerings were quite weird – like the one that sees events from the point of view of an Amish community (“Rural Dead” by Bret Hammond), or the one whose premise is that all of humanity dies and wakes up as zombies, and follows the plight of a family as they try to get on with their non-lives as much as they can (“Who We Used to Be” by David Moody) – but a few truly left their mark on my imagination, my favorites being the two I’ve chosen to showcase [...] Full review at SPACE and SORCERY Blog nessuna recensione | aggiungi una recensione
Appartiene alle SerieThe Living Dead (2) ContieneMouja di Matt London
A collection of short stories about zombies includes contributions by Clive Barker, Laurell K. Hamilton, Stephen King, and Neil Gaiman. Non sono state trovate descrizioni di biblioteche |
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