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Sto caricando le informazioni... The Queer Feet [short story] (1910)di G. K. Chesterton
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È contenuto inTutte le storie di Padre Brown di G. K. Chesterton (indirettamente) The Annotated Innocence of Father Brown di G. K. Chesterton (indirettamente) The Innocence of Father Brown; The Wisdom of Father Brown di G. K. Chesterton (indirettamente) The Collected Works of G. K. Chesterton, Vol. 12: Father Brown Stories, Part 1: The Innocence of Father Brown, The Wisdom of Father Brown, The Donnington Affair di G. K. Chesterton (indirettamente) Father Browns Einfalt, Weisheit, Ungläubigkeit Erzählungen di G. K. Chesterton (indirettamente) Selected Works of Gk Chesterton (Special Editions) di G. K. Chesterton (indirettamente) The Father Brown Omnibus: Including The Innocence of Father Brown; The Wisdom of Father Brown; The Incredulity of Father Brown; The Secret of Father Brown di G. K. Chesterton (indirettamente) The G. K. Chesterton Collection [34 Books] di G. K. Chesterton (indirettamente) The G. K. Chesterton Collection [50 Books] di G. K. Chesterton (indirettamente) The Greatest Hits of G.K. Chesterton (Seven Books) di G. K. Chesterton (indirettamente) The Innocence of Father Brown | The Face on the Cutting-Room Floor | The Thin Man di Penguin (indirettamente) The Works of G.K. Chesterton (36 Books with active table of contents) di G. K. Chesterton (indirettamente) Classic Crime 5 Book Gift Set di Penguin Books (indirettamente) Den oöverträffade fader Brown di G. K. Chesterton (indirettamente) Club del Misterio, volum 2 di Raymond Chandler (indirettamente) Club del misterio. Volumen I: Prólogo de J. J. BORGES. "El cuento policial, IX" . Dashiell HAMMETT: "Cosecha roja". Arthur CONAN DOYLE: "Las aventuras de Shrlock Holmes". Hellery QUEEN: "Cara a cara". Raymond CHANDLER: "El sueño eterno". Patricia IHGSMITH: Erle STANLEY GARDNER: "El cuchillo". "El caso del juguete mortífero". James HADLEY CHASE: "Impulso creador". "El secuestro de Miss Blandish". Nicholas BLAKE: "La bestia debe morir". Volumen 2: Prólogo de R. CHANDLER: " El simpl di AA.VV. (indirettamente) Classic Crime 2: The Thin Man, The Innocence of Father Brown & The Face On the Cutting-Room Floor di G. K. Chesterton (indirettamente) Las Aventuras Del Padre Brown / The Adventures of Father Brown (Clasicos De Siempre/ Cuentos / Always Classics / Stories) (Spanish Edition) di G. K. Chesterton Ha l'adattamento
HTML: If you were to meet a mild, hard-working little priest, named Father Brown, and were to ask him what he thought was the most singular luck of his life, he would probably reply that upon the whole his best stroke was at the Vernon Hotel, where he had averted a crime and, perhaps, saved a soul, merely by listening to a few footsteps in a passage. .Non sono state trovate descrizioni di biblioteche |
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Though most of the story seemed to be leading up to the crime, it was an interesting enough tale. ( )