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Illegal Moves

di Dalton Diaz, Samantha Cayto

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10Nessuno1,894,427 (3.5)Nessuno
Attorney Caroline Ellis wants a decent orgasm or twenty. Sex has been mediocre since she and Jordan Fox split and he owes her for breaking his word and her heart. Businessman Jordan Fox wants to win back the woman he loves. He regrets not going through with that menage in college, but the idea of letting another man touch him made him run. It was the biggest mistake of his life and long past time to make it right. Secretly bisexual attorney Seth Foster has his fist wrapped around a recurrent fantasy that Jordan, his boss and best friend, is not completely hetero. Never in those wildest dreams did he imagine they could come true. Jordan's determination to get Caroline back could fulfill each of their fantasies and more.… (altro)
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Dalton Diazautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Cayto, Samanthaautore principaletutte le edizioniconfermato
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Attorney Caroline Ellis wants a decent orgasm or twenty. Sex has been mediocre since she and Jordan Fox split and he owes her for breaking his word and her heart. Businessman Jordan Fox wants to win back the woman he loves. He regrets not going through with that menage in college, but the idea of letting another man touch him made him run. It was the biggest mistake of his life and long past time to make it right. Secretly bisexual attorney Seth Foster has his fist wrapped around a recurrent fantasy that Jordan, his boss and best friend, is not completely hetero. Never in those wildest dreams did he imagine they could come true. Jordan's determination to get Caroline back could fulfill each of their fantasies and more.

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