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Chasing Ghosts: Failures and Facades in…
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Chasing Ghosts: Failures and Facades in Iraq: A Soldier's Perspective (edizione 2007)

di Paul Rieckhoff

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1462193,846 (4.16)9
The true story of the first soldier to challenge the war in Iraq provides a grunt's-eye view of the battles on the streets of Baghdad, and a patriot's vision of where America has gone wrong and how it can reset its path. As an infantry platoon leader, Rieckhoff was proud to follow in the footsteps of his father and grandfather. He and his soldiers spent almost a year in one of the most dangerous and volatile areas of Baghdad--and what they encountered there was chaos: not enough troops, no humanitarian aid, no body armor, no radios, and no real plan. He saw what happened when we tried to conduct a war on the cheap. What followed, over the next ten months, set him on a course that would forever change his life. When he finally came home, Rieckhoff vowed to tell Americans the truth.--From publisher description.… (altro)
Titolo:Chasing Ghosts: Failures and Facades in Iraq: A Soldier's Perspective
Autori:Paul Rieckhoff
Info:NAL Trade (2007), Paperback, 336 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca
Etichette:Iraq, combat, Army, Bush, Veterans, National Guard

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Chasing Ghosts: Failures and Facades in Iraq: A Soldier's Perspective di Paul Rieckhoff

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I most recently read this book as a type of mental sorbet. I had just finished a study of xenophobia and was about to begin one on Prophetic universalism and needed to clear my mind. The first person memoir nature of the book was engaging. It gave me a perspective on an on-going event I did not have a was greatful not to have had. It was a quick read and though slightly politically biased, not offensive to me and I believe would not be to others.
  KingDthe1st | Nov 10, 2009 |
Paul Rieckhoff is the founder and executive director of IAVA (formerly Operation Truth), and one of the most outspoken critics of the Iraq War, with a military background. As such, I was very eager to read his book. He also hopelessly reminds me, in looks and mannerisms, of one of my dearest friends from high school, which is part of the fascination too. "Chasing Ghosts" is a good insider's look at how the war has been mismanaged from a soldier's standpoint, and as such offers a nice counterpart to Rick's must-read "Fiasco." I will admit that some of the author's stances and views make me highly uncomfortable (witness his willingness--no, eagerness to kill people, even when he knows the war is being persecuted on false pretenses and that said people have done no wrong, or his assertion that only military veterans should be allowed to run for president). Still, it's a fabulous book if you can get beyond Rieckhoff's bloodlust. ( )
  Trismegistus | Dec 23, 2007 |
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The true story of the first soldier to challenge the war in Iraq provides a grunt's-eye view of the battles on the streets of Baghdad, and a patriot's vision of where America has gone wrong and how it can reset its path. As an infantry platoon leader, Rieckhoff was proud to follow in the footsteps of his father and grandfather. He and his soldiers spent almost a year in one of the most dangerous and volatile areas of Baghdad--and what they encountered there was chaos: not enough troops, no humanitarian aid, no body armor, no radios, and no real plan. He saw what happened when we tried to conduct a war on the cheap. What followed, over the next ten months, set him on a course that would forever change his life. When he finally came home, Rieckhoff vowed to tell Americans the truth.--From publisher description.

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