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Understanding Doctors' Performance

di Jim Cox

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Teenage pregnancy rates in the UK are among the highest in Western Europe. This book explains the issues surrounding pregnancy in the early teenage years and ties in with recent government initiatives. Tackling Teenage Pregnancy illustrates the viewpoints of a wide range of medical professionals including doctors nurses social workers and youth workers and also draws on the experiences of young people. It outlines the confusion that can arise in young people's perceptions of contraception and the information available to them. Case studies describe typical situations how advice has been applied and provide guidance on skills and approaches in interacting with young people. Professionals working throughout the health service education and voluntary sectors will find this book offers invaluable support. 'We already know that among the different approaches to improving services there are a few basic principles: listen to young people themselves; join up services and professionals; don't repeat past mistakes but build on what has been shown to succeed. This book builds on those principles and it uses young peoples' voices to help us assess how they can be helped to make informed choices about their health and their futures. It is a timely valuable addition to the literature and the learning on this subject.' Cathy Hamlyn Head of the Teenage Pregnancy Unit Department for Health… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente daicrbooks, kerbiea, TheGrove, BCPhysicianhealth
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Teenage pregnancy rates in the UK are among the highest in Western Europe. This book explains the issues surrounding pregnancy in the early teenage years and ties in with recent government initiatives. Tackling Teenage Pregnancy illustrates the viewpoints of a wide range of medical professionals including doctors nurses social workers and youth workers and also draws on the experiences of young people. It outlines the confusion that can arise in young people's perceptions of contraception and the information available to them. Case studies describe typical situations how advice has been applied and provide guidance on skills and approaches in interacting with young people. Professionals working throughout the health service education and voluntary sectors will find this book offers invaluable support. 'We already know that among the different approaches to improving services there are a few basic principles: listen to young people themselves; join up services and professionals; don't repeat past mistakes but build on what has been shown to succeed. This book builds on those principles and it uses young peoples' voices to help us assess how they can be helped to make informed choices about their health and their futures. It is a timely valuable addition to the literature and the learning on this subject.' Cathy Hamlyn Head of the Teenage Pregnancy Unit Department for Health

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