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Sto caricando le informazioni... Die Bibel (1912)di Martin Luther (Traduttore)
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Iscriviti per consentire a LibraryThing di scoprire se ti piacerà questo libro. Attualmente non vi sono conversazioni su questo libro. Facsimile reprint. Cologne : Taschen, 2003. 3 vols. Vol. 3 has separate title: The Luther Bible of 1534 : a cultural-historical introduction / by Stephan Füssel Introduction in English. Text in German.Vol. 3 (introduction) is paperbound. ( ) Die Rezension bezieht sich einzig auf die Cotta’sche Ausgabe von 1850 Das Alte Testament (Die Propheten 763 – 1029, Apocrypha: 1030 – 1208) Das Neue Testament: 1 – 369 Dies ist ein schönes, in Leder gebundenes Buch mit Kapitalbändern und dreiseitigem Goldschnitt, von Generation zu Generation in der Familie weitergereicht. Obwohl es nicht erwähnt wird, nehme ich an, dass es sich um eine überarbeitete Übersetzung handelt. Einige Unterschiede zur von von Meyers 1819 ‚berichtigten Übersetzung‘, dreißig Jahre früher erschienen, erwähne ich dort. Die zahlreichen Holzschnitte „nach Zeichnungen der ersten Künstler Deutschlands“: u.a., Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld , A. Strähuber, G. Jäger, vermeiden christlichen Kitsch (manchmal nur knapp), sind aber nicht nach meinem Geschmack. Ein Digitalisat dieser Ausgabe findet man hier. (VIII-14) I acquired this rendition of the Luther bible while in Trier in 2006. From the days when I lived in Berlin (1961-1963), as I really began to acquire books for my library, I had always wanted an early version of the Martin Luther translation. That dream was fulfilled with this beautiful and remarkable volume. Printed in a large format in the 1750s, it is a historical microcosm that reveals to the reader otherwise unappreciated insights into the early art of printing; the method of early book binding; the power of the German translation and the changes over time in the development and use of the German language. But reading this massive and beautiful book is not just an intellectual/spiritual exercise or pleasure. It also brings pleasure of the highest order from the tactile and visual contact one has with the book. The paper is heavy and textured to the touch from its obviously hand-made origins. The print is dark and fresh, with the German fraktur almost hieroglyphic in its own right in this present day -a sacred alphabet that does not yield its secrets easily to the modern reader. It has indeed become the center piece of my library collection and the source of many hours of pleasurable and instructive reading. Das ist das Original. Es gibt keine bessere Bibel in deutscher Sprache! Hier kann man noch die Nuancen der deutschen Sprache entdecken, die sowohl durch angebliche Verbesserungen, als auch durch beabsichtigte Fälschungen, verloren gingen. Alle nachfolgenden Bibeln wurden verändert. Besonders schlimm ab Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts, genau ab 1912. nessuna recensione | aggiungi una recensione
Hailed as a great gift to the German people, Martin Luther's 1545 Biblia Germanicahad a profound impact on Germany's language, literature, and the growth of Protestantism. Over time other German translations appeared, and in the present we see an almost bewildering abundance of new translations, but the Luther Bible launched the progression of the German language. In addition, the Luther text set binding standards for dealing with the biblical word. The output is one column set, with the exception of the Psalter and the Proverbs of Solomon, which are in two columns. In celebration of the Reformation's 500th anniversary, this replica of the 1545 Biblia Germanica, of which only two originals are left, features Luther's text, notes, and headings, as well as numerous woodcuts based on biblical stories. Non sono state trovate descrizioni di biblioteche |
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Google Books — Sto caricando le informazioni... GeneriSistema Decimale Melvil (DDC)220.531Religions Bible Bible Modern versions and translations German & Germanic OrthographyClassificazione LCVotoMedia:
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