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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary (OGL)…
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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary (OGL) Pocket Edition (edizione 2016)

di Jason Bulmahn (Autore)

Serie: Pathfinder Bestiary (PZO1112), Pathfinder Core (PZO1112), Pathfinder (PZO 1112)

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285296,286 (4.11)1
The greatest monsters of fantasy gaming come alive in the very firsthardcover release for Paizo's new Pathfinder Roleplaying Game!Backward-compatible with the 3.5 fantasy rules but packed with newsolutions and options that place it firmly on the cutting edge, thePathfinder Roleplaying Game is the culmination of the largest openplaytest in tabletop RPG history. From the comedic-but-deadly goblin to the world-killing Tarrasque, thislavishly illustrated, full-color tome contains new takes on more than 250 of thebest-loved, most popular monsters of fantasy ready for instant use in yourPathfinder or 3.5 campaign!… (altro)
Titolo:Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary (OGL) Pocket Edition
Autori:Jason Bulmahn (Autore)
Info:Paizo Inc. (2016), 328 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary di Jason Bulmahn

  1. 30
    Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bonus Bestiary di Jason Bulmahn (prosfilaes)
    prosfilaes: The Bonus Bestiary was distributed for Free RPG day, but contains several of the monsters mysteriously missing from the main bestiary. It's still available from the Paizo website.
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I like monsters. ( )
  MoonLibrary | Nov 12, 2021 |
I haven't carefully dug through everything here, but it strikes me as, in most fashions, what you would expect from Pathfinder's "Monster Manual". A few minor things jump out; for one, the aasimar pictured is hot. (Can I take the out that it is the very first monster in the book?) Comparing the SRD monster list to the book's list seems to show that one out of every five or six monsters in the first was dropped; goodbye allip, azer, blink dog, grimlock and titan. I'm not sure the space devoted to animals was worth the loss of old friends. There's a few new creatures tossed in, primarily from the Tome of Horrors: the yeti, vegepygmy, dracolisk, a couple new golems, etc. While the changes can be debated, the selection is overall pretty conservative.

My biggest problem with this book is the lack of description. One extreme example is the bronze dragon; after the generic stats, stats for the young, adult and ancient bronze dragons, we get the description of their behavior: "Bronze dragons have been known to ally with travelers and adventurers if the cause and reward is right and just." That's all. With rare exception, the length of the description seems dictated by the amount of space left by the stats, so the succubus, vrock, and dragons get a few lines of description, where as the hill giant has plenty of space discussing them in detail. Breaking the monsters up by page makes things neat, but made it impossible to move space around much.

Overall, I'm not thrilled. It might have helped, or really hurt, if it hadn't so simply emulated the Monster Manual. As it is, it feels like the Monster Manual with some numbers changed, and the lack of description makes me worry that I may have to refer to older volumes for more than just pure stats on the creatures. ( )
1 vota prosfilaes | Nov 6, 2009 |
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The greatest monsters of fantasy gaming come alive in the very firsthardcover release for Paizo's new Pathfinder Roleplaying Game!Backward-compatible with the 3.5 fantasy rules but packed with newsolutions and options that place it firmly on the cutting edge, thePathfinder Roleplaying Game is the culmination of the largest openplaytest in tabletop RPG history. From the comedic-but-deadly goblin to the world-killing Tarrasque, thislavishly illustrated, full-color tome contains new takes on more than 250 of thebest-loved, most popular monsters of fantasy ready for instant use in yourPathfinder or 3.5 campaign!

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