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Spinning in the Old Way: How (and Why) To…
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Spinning in the Old Way: How (and Why) To Make Your Own Yarn With A High-Whorl Handspindle (originale 2006; edizione 2006)

di Priscilla A. Gibson-Roberts

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301490,635 (4.07)2
Knitters are discovering the pleasure and satisfaction of spinning their own yarns. Master craftsman Priscilla Gibson-Roberts guides readers in the fast-track, low-cost, high-quality approach to spinning. No spinning wheel required.
Titolo:Spinning in the Old Way: How (and Why) To Make Your Own Yarn With A High-Whorl Handspindle
Autori:Priscilla A. Gibson-Roberts
Info:Nomad Press (2006), Paperback, 176 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Spinning in the Old Way: How (and Why) To Make Your Own Yarn With A High-Whorl Handspindle di Priscilla Gibson-Roberts (2006)

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I went into this looking for a few new hints on spinning, and to see if I should make an effort to try a high-whorl spindle. I only found one useful hint, and have decided not to bother with the high-whorl unless I meet someone who can give me good arguements and show me.

You would hardly know from this book that other spindels even exist, never mind see a reason for chosing one over the other. The instructions were vague, and I couldn't picture what she was talking about. The pictures didn't answer my questions. ( )
  MarthaJeanne | Nov 19, 2011 |
There's a lot of good information on hand spindling to be found in this book, but at times I found the author's insistence that a high-whorl spindle is the best of all possible spindles to be a bit frustrating. Not surprising--the book's subtitle makes it clear the focus of the text will be on high-whorl spindles--but still a bit frustrating.

The illustrations contained within this book are, without exception, drawings. While this is not necessarily a bad thing, it can make a book less accessible to modern audiences than one that uses photographs to illustrate various concepts. ( )
  shadrach_anki | Feb 23, 2011 |
Thorough, easy to understand, and includes the science--the "why it works this way". She is passionate about her craft, and it comes through in her presentation. ( )
  acadian | Jul 26, 2006 |
want to buy this
  Norrie | Jun 16, 2008 |
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Knitters are discovering the pleasure and satisfaction of spinning their own yarns. Master craftsman Priscilla Gibson-Roberts guides readers in the fast-track, low-cost, high-quality approach to spinning. No spinning wheel required.

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