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The Brother: The Untold Story of Atomic Spy…
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The Brother: The Untold Story of Atomic Spy David Greenglass and How He Sent His Sister, Ethel Rosenberg, to the Electric Chair (originale 2001; edizione 2001)

di Sam Roberts (Autore)

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1443196,477 (4.07)2
"A fresh and fast-paced study of one of the most important crimes of the twentieth century" (The Washington Post), The Brother now discloses new information revealed since the original publication in 2003--including an admission by his sons that Julius Rosenberg was indeed a Soviet spy and a confession to the author by the Rosenbergs' co-defendant. Sixty years after their execution in June 1953 for conspiring to steal atomic secrets, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg remain the subjects of great emotional debate and acrimony. The man whose testimony almost single-handedly convicted them was Ethel Rosenberg's own brother, David Greenglass, who recently died. Though the Rosenbergs were executed, Greenglass served a mere ten years in prison, after which, with a new name, he disappeared. But journalist Sam Roberts found Greenglass, and then managed to convince him to talk about everything that had happened. Since the original publication of The Brother, Roberts sued to release grand jury testimony, which further implicates Greenglass and demonstrates how the prosecution was tainted. One of the defendants, Morton Sobell, admitted to Roberts that he and Julius Rosenberg were spies. Furthermore, Michael and Robert Meeropol, the Rosenbergs' sons, acknowledged to Roberts that although their mother was not legally culpable, that the "secret" to the atomic bomb was not compromised, and that the death penalty was excessive, their father was, in fact, guilty of conspiracy to commit espionage on behalf of the Soviet Union. Now released with this important new information, The Brother is more than ever, "A gripping account of the most famous espionage case in US excellent book, written with flair and alive with the agony of the age" (The Wall Street Journal).… (altro)
Titolo:The Brother: The Untold Story of Atomic Spy David Greenglass and How He Sent His Sister, Ethel Rosenberg, to the Electric Chair
Autori:Sam Roberts (Autore)
Info:Random House (2001), Edition: 1, 560 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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The Brother: The Untold Story of the Rosenberg Case di Sam Roberts (2001)

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My father is in this story - search for Bederson! ( )
  bederson | Dec 17, 2020 |
Hoping to find a book about the famous Julius and Ethel Rosenberg case, since my limited knowledge on the subject was that of documentaries that did quick snippets of the case. I thought I was in luck when I came across the Sam Roberts book The Brother: The Untold Story of the Rosenberg Case. With a ringing endorsement by The Washington Post on the cover stating," A fresh and fast-paced study of one of the most important crimes of the twentieth century" how could I go wrong? Well, that comment had to make me laugh since it took about 60 pages before the book even flows at a halfway decent pace. Roberts using the beginning of the book almost like a summation to give us the readers the details of The Brother aka David Greenglass' childhood as a way to make you understand why he decided to spy for the Russians. But no words written by anyone can redeem David as shown through his actions played out in the book; he is an egotistical & self-indulgent man only looking out for himself and his wife, Ruth. The book left me questioning the mindset of the government as they use David to convict his sister, Ethel and Julius to death for espionage. When David only received ten years in prison for being the one who stole the plans for the nuclear bomb and his wife only a slap on the wrist for her part. I will give Roberts credit for showing the real injustice of the case against the Rosenbergs by the government, even though I am not saying they are innocent either. Still after a long 517 pages, you are left with more questions than answers. ( )
  JCGirl | Jun 4, 2016 |
A very long but very good book! This was my second book about the Rosenbergs, I originally read their sons' joint memoir, and I now feel I have a greater understanding of these people and their place in US history. David Greenglass seems very conceited and I don't like him very much. ( )
  briannad84 | Aug 12, 2013 |
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"A fresh and fast-paced study of one of the most important crimes of the twentieth century" (The Washington Post), The Brother now discloses new information revealed since the original publication in 2003--including an admission by his sons that Julius Rosenberg was indeed a Soviet spy and a confession to the author by the Rosenbergs' co-defendant. Sixty years after their execution in June 1953 for conspiring to steal atomic secrets, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg remain the subjects of great emotional debate and acrimony. The man whose testimony almost single-handedly convicted them was Ethel Rosenberg's own brother, David Greenglass, who recently died. Though the Rosenbergs were executed, Greenglass served a mere ten years in prison, after which, with a new name, he disappeared. But journalist Sam Roberts found Greenglass, and then managed to convince him to talk about everything that had happened. Since the original publication of The Brother, Roberts sued to release grand jury testimony, which further implicates Greenglass and demonstrates how the prosecution was tainted. One of the defendants, Morton Sobell, admitted to Roberts that he and Julius Rosenberg were spies. Furthermore, Michael and Robert Meeropol, the Rosenbergs' sons, acknowledged to Roberts that although their mother was not legally culpable, that the "secret" to the atomic bomb was not compromised, and that the death penalty was excessive, their father was, in fact, guilty of conspiracy to commit espionage on behalf of the Soviet Union. Now released with this important new information, The Brother is more than ever, "A gripping account of the most famous espionage case in US excellent book, written with flair and alive with the agony of the age" (The Wall Street Journal).

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