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Space Skimmer di David Gerrold
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Space Skimmer (originale 1972; edizione 1987)

di David Gerrold (Autore)

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1833154,160 (3.2)1
Take an interstellar journey through a ruined empire in this novel by a Nebula Award-winning author . . .   Mass comes from a harsh world named Streinveldt, where the gravity is 2.5 times that of Earth and only genetically engineered people can reside. Mass is humanoid, genetically evolved to cope with greater pressures, stronger gravity, and heavier densities than those of an ancient planet he never knew, and probably never would. For Mass, Earth is millennia in the past.   Four hundred years ago, the Empire encompassed eleven thousand inhabited worlds. It was the center of a thriving trade economy. Then, almost overnight, the Empire collapsed, leaving the remaining planets virtually isolated from one another. Mass decides to search for the Empire with a diverse group of companions who have also evolved to withstand the environments of the vastly different worlds they inhabit.   To live, they must find a way to come together, as they're faced with intense pressure, clashing perspectives, and unfamiliar circumstances . . .  … (altro)
Titolo:Space Skimmer
Autori:David Gerrold (Autore)
Info:Arrow (1987), Edition: 1st UK Paperback Edition, 224 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura, Da leggere

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Space Skimmer di David Gerrold (1972)

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60's sci-fi , party straight-ahead in a Twilight Zone / Star Trek (author wrote for the show) way, party trippy 60's (esp. at end.) Would recommend if that description appeals to you. I liked it, quick read. I bought it just for wacky cover, so had low expectations and was happily surprised. ( )
  dtscheme | Oct 18, 2020 |
A slight thing about first contact. It seems that a number of UFO's are being piloted by adolescents on joyrides. Mildly fun. ( )
  DinadansFriend | Sep 20, 2017 |
A really different kind of SF, combining personal growth and comminucation themes within a space-opera plot framework. VERY impressive - I can't believe I never saw this before. I've been impressed with a number of David Gerrold's books as I encountered them, but this book has tipped me over the edge: I'm going to have to systematically track down all of them.
  Patentnonsense | May 3, 2008 |
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David Gerroldautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Brillhart, RalphImmagine di copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Jones, EddieImmagine di copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato

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Take an interstellar journey through a ruined empire in this novel by a Nebula Award-winning author . . .   Mass comes from a harsh world named Streinveldt, where the gravity is 2.5 times that of Earth and only genetically engineered people can reside. Mass is humanoid, genetically evolved to cope with greater pressures, stronger gravity, and heavier densities than those of an ancient planet he never knew, and probably never would. For Mass, Earth is millennia in the past.   Four hundred years ago, the Empire encompassed eleven thousand inhabited worlds. It was the center of a thriving trade economy. Then, almost overnight, the Empire collapsed, leaving the remaining planets virtually isolated from one another. Mass decides to search for the Empire with a diverse group of companions who have also evolved to withstand the environments of the vastly different worlds they inhabit.   To live, they must find a way to come together, as they're faced with intense pressure, clashing perspectives, and unfamiliar circumstances . . .  

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