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Purest Of All Lilies di Fr. Donald H.…
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Purest Of All Lilies (edizione 2008)

di Fr. Donald H. Calloway MIC

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Saint Faustina is well known for the revelations of Divine Mercy that she received from Jesus and recorded in her Diary. But few know that she also received many revelations from the Blessed Virgin Mary and enjoyed a special relationship with her. Now, in Purest of All Lilies, a prominent Marian priest with a background in Mariology explores St. Faustina's rich relationship with Mary from her love of Mary growing up in Poland to the many Diary passages that she devoted to the Mother of God when she was a nun. The reader learns how St. Faustina's father would begin each day singing prayers to the Blessed Virgin and of the family's special May and October devotions to the Mother of God. At the early age of five, the future saint would tell her mother of dreams she had in which she walked handinhand with the Blessed Virgin in a beautiful garden. Along with St. Faustina's early devotion to Mary, the author shows us how the Blessed Mother taught her as a nun important lessons about suffering, purity of heart and humility. Perhaps most fascinating of all, this Marian priest analyses the poems that St. Faustina wrote about Mary and the metaphors she used to describe the Blessed Virgin, including flowers such as the lily, the rose and the violet.… (altro)
Titolo:Purest Of All Lilies
Autori:Fr. Donald H. Calloway MIC
Info:Marian Press (2008), Paperback, 128 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Purest Of All Lilies di Donald H. Calloway

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I am always amazed when I come across a book that speaks so clearly about devotion to the Blessed Mother. This book spoke to my heart about St.Sr. Faustina's love for the Virgin Mary. This one I will be reading again. ( )
  not.enough.books | Jun 20, 2011 |
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Saint Faustina is well known for the revelations of Divine Mercy that she received from Jesus and recorded in her Diary. But few know that she also received many revelations from the Blessed Virgin Mary and enjoyed a special relationship with her. Now, in Purest of All Lilies, a prominent Marian priest with a background in Mariology explores St. Faustina's rich relationship with Mary from her love of Mary growing up in Poland to the many Diary passages that she devoted to the Mother of God when she was a nun. The reader learns how St. Faustina's father would begin each day singing prayers to the Blessed Virgin and of the family's special May and October devotions to the Mother of God. At the early age of five, the future saint would tell her mother of dreams she had in which she walked handinhand with the Blessed Virgin in a beautiful garden. Along with St. Faustina's early devotion to Mary, the author shows us how the Blessed Mother taught her as a nun important lessons about suffering, purity of heart and humility. Perhaps most fascinating of all, this Marian priest analyses the poems that St. Faustina wrote about Mary and the metaphors she used to describe the Blessed Virgin, including flowers such as the lily, the rose and the violet.

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