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Accounting Principles Third Canadian Editon Part 4 Text

di Jerry J. Weygandt

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The third edition of Weygandt, Kieso, Kimmel, Trenholm, Accounting Principles has been carefully developed with the collaboration of a team of instructors from across the country and builds upon the highly regarded "Student Success" foundation for which Weygandt has become known over the years. The book has been praised by students and instructors across the country for its outstanding visual design, its carefully integrated learning and teaching systems, and its excellent writing style and clarity of presentation; these key elements have been further enhanced in the third edition. This edition also includes enriched problem material and an enhanced technology package to provide students with the most complete learning experience possible and instructors with unparalleled flexibility in course delivery. This flexibility extends to various packaging options available with the third edition. Weygandt Accounting Principles is the ideal book for both accounting and general business students at the introductory level. It promises to provide these students with the most engaging and complete coverage of the basic principles of accounting and ? most importantly ? how accounting relates to the world of business.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente dapaulclawton
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The third edition of Weygandt, Kieso, Kimmel, Trenholm, Accounting Principles has been carefully developed with the collaboration of a team of instructors from across the country and builds upon the highly regarded "Student Success" foundation for which Weygandt has become known over the years. The book has been praised by students and instructors across the country for its outstanding visual design, its carefully integrated learning and teaching systems, and its excellent writing style and clarity of presentation; these key elements have been further enhanced in the third edition. This edition also includes enriched problem material and an enhanced technology package to provide students with the most complete learning experience possible and instructors with unparalleled flexibility in course delivery. This flexibility extends to various packaging options available with the third edition. Weygandt Accounting Principles is the ideal book for both accounting and general business students at the introductory level. It promises to provide these students with the most engaging and complete coverage of the basic principles of accounting and ? most importantly ? how accounting relates to the world of business.

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