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The Wolf and the Dove Avon 18457 di Kathleen…
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The Wolf and the Dove Avon 18457 (originale 1974; edizione 1974)

di Kathleen E. Woodiwiss

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
1,1222218,669 (3.85)25
Fiction. Romance. Historical Fiction. HTML:

From New York Times bestselling author Kathleen E. Woodiwiss comes one of her most beloved romances...

The Wolf

Noble Aislinn grieves as the Iron Wolf and his minions storm through her beloved Darkenwald. And she burns with malice for the handsome Norman savage who would enslave her. . .even as she aches to know the rapture of the conqueror's kiss.

The Dove

For the first time ever, mighty Wulfgar has been vanquished - and by a bold and beautiful princess of Saxon blood. He must have the chaste, sensuous enchantress who is sworn to his destruction. And he will risk life itself to nurture with tender passion a glorious union born in the blistering heat of hatred and war.

… (altro)
Titolo:The Wolf and the Dove Avon 18457
Autori:Kathleen E. Woodiwiss
Info:Avon (1974), Paperback
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Il lupo e la colomba di Kathleen E. Woodiwiss (1974)

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Uf, leído hace décadas. Me acuerdo bastante bien de la historia, seguramente porque fue uno de los primeros libros de romance que leí, aunque lo de romance, hoy, me parece bastante cuestionable.

Yo evolucioné al ritmo de estos tiempos de creciente consciencia sobre géneros, igualdad, respeto y diversidad. Y, si bien no me lo pareció así en su momento (lo consideré como de casi 4 estrellas), desde esa consciencia este libro decididamente políticamente incorrecto.

Pero, si no se comete el error de pretender extrapolar con el presente tanto el momento de la escritura del libro (1970s) como el período histórico en que transcurre la historia, sigo rescatando la crudeza del retrato de una época -la que sigue a la batalla de Hastings-, el cual enmarca un romance plagado de clichés, de los cuales el que más detesté antes y ahora fue el de la mujer rencorosa que se redime antes de morir. ( )
  Marlobo | Dec 24, 2022 |
Love this oldie but goodie. Need to reread with my current much more educated understanding of the middle ages and see how it holds up ( )
  Luziadovalongo | Jul 14, 2022 |
This is one of the first adult romances I ever read, and it is still one of my favorites. Yes, it is dated (published in 1974), and many of its components would not be used today. But in some ways, it is a more accurate portrayal of the time than some more modern works.

The story opens in 1066 as William the Conqueror fights his way to the throne of England. He prefers to offer the Saxons the option of surrendering and living to have to kill them and lose their potential as subjects. Some of his knights agree with him, but others do not. Wulfgar is one of his knights, charged with securing the lands of Darkenwald and Cregan. Wulfgar split his force and went to Cregan himself and sent one of his knights, Ragnor, to secure Darkenwald. Ragnor had precise instructions on the terms to offer but ignored them for his own goals. Instead, he used every means available to goad the lord of Darkenwald into fighting and then killed him and many others. He then took the lord's daughter, Aislinn, captive, with conquest on his mind.

Aislinn is an eighteen-year-old beauty with red hair and a temper to match. She watched her father struck down, her mother beaten, and life as she knew it crumble around her. But there was no way that she would give in to her father's murderer. I loved her spirit and determination, though it seemed a bit reckless to bait Ragnor the way she did, as the later events proved. Aislinn is also incredibly loyal and loving. Rather than flee the next morning while Ragnor slept, she tarried to bury her father. There she was discovered by Wulfgar when he arrived at Darkenwald.

Wulfgar is a knight with a fearsome reputation as a warrior. He was furious at the carnage he found, and his confrontation with Ragnor was blunt and to the point. But for all that fearsomeness, it is immediately apparent that he is neither unreasonable nor cruel. Aislinn expects the worst from him and is surprised at the fairness with which he treats her defeated countrymen. He also removes her from Ragnor's possession and takes her for himself. She's not happy about that but counts herself lucky to be away from Ragnor.

I loved the development of the relationship between Wulfgar and Aislinn. The sparks are there from the beginning, though initially, they were sparks of antagonism. Aislinn has no problem standing up to Wulfgar, hiding her fears behind anger. Instead of reacting with anger of his own, Wulfgar seems mostly amused by her. Aislinn is confused by his treatment of her and the way he makes her feel. Over the next days and weeks, Wulfgar works to bring order to his new lands, while Aislinn does her best to intercede for her people. I liked watching the tension build between them as the sparks of antagonism turned to sparks of attraction, with the inevitable result. Aislinn struggles with being a mistress when she was raised to be a wife.

Meanwhile, Wulfar has his own struggles. He has always been able to move from woman to woman, forgetting each one quickly. But when William sends for him to come to London for the coronation, Wulfar discovers that he misses Aislinn - her voice, her scent, the way she feels in his arms. So he sends for her to join him there. I thoroughly enjoyed the London section. Aislinn realizes that she has fallen in love with Wulfgar, but doesn't know if she'll ever reach his heart. Some things give her hope, such as his kind actions and his distinct pleasure in her company. When Ragnor does his best to stir up trouble, Wulfgar begins to understand just how much she means to him, but still resists admitting to his feelings. I really felt for Aislinn at this point because she began to lose hope that she will ever win against his stubborn refusal to see what they could have. I laughed to see her use her intelligence as well as her appeal to make her point. Wulfgar suffered through some miserable days and nights as he fought against himself but eventually saw the light. I loved the following scenes as a much happier Wulfgar spread that happiness around.

But all does not run smoothly for the happy couple. Wulfgar's half-sister and her father had arrived some months earlier, seeking refuge after losing their lands. While Bolsgar is a good man (despite the past between him and Wulfgar), Gwyneth is a spoiled, vindictive brat. She treated everyone, especially Aislinn as if they were far beneath her. She takes up with Ragnor, who uses her for his own ends while leading her on. Darkenwald is also plagued by thieves, bent on destroying everything that Wulfgar tries to build. I enjoyed seeing Wulfgar's efforts to bring an end to the raids, including the unexpected help he got from Aislinn.

But there was more behind the raids than Wulfgar knew. Someone was out for revenge, and there was a traitor within his walls. Even though I have read this book many times before, I was still on the edge of my seat during the pursuit. The final confrontation was intense with an unexpected resolution and a surprise revelation that changed Wulfgar's life. The ending was terrific, with the return to Darkenwald and the surprise waiting there. ( )
1 vota scoutmomskf | May 31, 2020 |
My first taste of the bodice-ripper didn't disappoint. There were definitely bodices (or appropriate Medieval equivalents) and hoo boy were they ripped. I don't think the genre is for me, and I really felt my attention start to flag around a third of the way through (though maybe it's my fault for reading it all in one sitting). ( )
1 vota hatingongodot | May 3, 2020 |
Primo libro letto di questa bravissima autrice di romance storici. Il Lupo e la Colomba è uno di quei romanzi che, una volta chiusi, ti spinge immediatamente a cercare altri titoli della stessa scrittrice, la curiosità di leggere altri scenari e altri personaggi da amare è incontenibile.

Cosa distingue un semplice romanzetto rosa da una BEL Romance Storico? Semplice. Oltre che uno scenario ben curato e il più attinente possibile alla realtà, quello che conferisce a un romance una marcia in più è la "capacità di far innamorare i protagonisti".

Un romanzo che ti fa innamorare i protagonisti in pochi colpi di Cupido e che poi, eventualmente, introduce qualche elemento negativo che vuole dividere i nostri neo piccioncini è un romanzo facile da scrivere. Magari carino, senza dubbio, ma pur sempre non troppo difficile da scrivere.

Un romanzo che si concentra attentamente sulla natura umana, sui sentimenti, sulle inclinazioni e le passioni dei protagonisti e li porta, pagina dopo pagina, a tramutare il loro rapporto iniziale in amore è un romanzo difficile da scrivere. Arrivare a far nascere una storia d'amore fra due personaggi, partendo da una situazione difficile come l'odio derivante dall'assassinio di un familiare è ancor più difficile. Due persone possono detestarsi per molti motivi, ma l'odio profondo di chi è stato privato della sua vita, dei suoi affetti, della sua indipendenza, del suo orgoglio e della sua dignità... Beh, la capacità mostrata dalla Woodiwiss, nel contesto, è davvero ammirevole. Non a caso "Il Lupo e la Colomba" è considerato uno dei suoi migliori romanzi, se non proprio il migliore in assoluto.

Ambientato nel Medioevo, Aislinn si ritrova prigioniera nelle sua stessa casa, passando di fatto da membro della nobiltà a semplice schiava, o peggio giocattolo sessuale del nuovo padrone, guerriero di Guglielmo il Conquistatore, del castello appartenuto a suo padre, Signore di Darkenwald.

Wulfgar è il nuovo padrone di Aislinn, padrone della sua vita e della sua umanità. Può fare di lei ciò che vuole e come vuole, è bottino di guerra, ne più ne meno. Aislinn, nonostante ciò, non si arrende e pur essendo il giocattolo sessuale del Padrone, continua tenacemente a proteggere tutti coloro che prima abitavano il castello da vera Signora qual'è sempre stata abituata a essere.

Lo scontro fisico fra i due è impari, Wulfgar la sovrasta e la annienta come e quando vuole ma è la forza della Colomba che lo attrae e lo diverte. Nulla sembra piegare la vecchia Signora del castello, nemmeno le angherie più disumane. Dritta come un fuso, orgogliosa e testarda continua a volersi liberare dal giogo a cui è stata costretta dalla circostanza.

Ed è qua che il romanzo si innalza, superiore, sopra agli altri. Se la trama di per se sembra ripercorrere un filo quasi scontato, è lo scontro continuo fra le due forti e appassionate personalità del Lupo e della Colomba che ci trattengono incollati alle pagine di questo romanzo.

Si sfidano, continuamente, in un eterno balletto che li porterà più volte a ferirsi l'anima a sangue per poi, inspiegabilmente, a curarsi a vicenda, rispettandosi. Ed è infatti il rispetto il primo stadio di questa trasformazione che li porterà dall'odio all'amore.

E seppur l'esito, fra i due, sembra scontato, sarà proprio questo processo di trasformazione a sconvolgere e coinvolgerà il lettore in ogni loro singola avventura dalle tinte forti della predominazione e della passione.

I lettori più disincantati potranno obiettare che, come sempre, sono pur sempre le protagoniste femminili a subire (o a dover subire) una trasformazione più radicale e che necessita inevitabilmente di un grande sacrificio di orgoglio. In effetti è così, la parte più sventurata, maltrattata e più giustificata per il suo odio è proprio Aislinn che, piano piano, si ritroverà innamorata di Wulfgar, nonostante tutto.

Effettivamente questo aspetto, se non fosse stata per la bravura dell'autrice, sarebbe risultato oltremodo grottesco. Come può una donna stuprata, ridotta in schiavitù e privata di ogni sua dignità innamorarsi di colui che ha contribuito alla morte del padre e alla follia della madre? No, logicamente non si può, ma la Woodiwiss è stata così brava nel coltivare questo sentimento impossibile che, alla fine, si finisce per giustificare questa forte ma dolcissima Cenerentola che, con tutta la dignità di una regnante, riuscirà a piegare un Guerriero nelle vesti di una semplice schiava.
( )
  Nasreen44 | Jun 8, 2017 |
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Fiction. Romance. Historical Fiction. HTML:

From New York Times bestselling author Kathleen E. Woodiwiss comes one of her most beloved romances...

The Wolf

Noble Aislinn grieves as the Iron Wolf and his minions storm through her beloved Darkenwald. And she burns with malice for the handsome Norman savage who would enslave her. . .even as she aches to know the rapture of the conqueror's kiss.

The Dove

For the first time ever, mighty Wulfgar has been vanquished - and by a bold and beautiful princess of Saxon blood. He must have the chaste, sensuous enchantress who is sworn to his destruction. And he will risk life itself to nurture with tender passion a glorious union born in the blistering heat of hatred and war.


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