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The Magic of You (Malory Novels) di Johanna…
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The Magic of You (Malory Novels) (edizione 2005)

di Johanna Lindsey (Autore)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
1,1411118,271 (3.93)9
Fiction. Romance. Historical Fiction. HTML:

As wild and reckless as the most incorrigible of her male cousins, Amy Malory has reached a marriageable age and has set her sights on a most inappropriate mate: the straight-laced American ship captain who once nearly had her Uncle James hung for piracy.

Warren Anderson is shocked by the brazen advances of his despised enemy's beautiful niece. Though determined to resist her, he burns for the enchanting British minx. And an impassioned heart implores him to surrender to a love that could stoke the smouldering fires of a family feud into a dangerous, all consuming blaze.

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Titolo:The Magic of You (Malory Novels)
Autori:Johanna Lindsey (Autore)
Info:Avon (2005), Edition: Reissue, 432 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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» Vedi le 9 citazioni

Amy Malory decía ser una joven tímida y recatada, pero era capaz de ser tan salvaje como el más incorregible de sus primos. Cuando algo le interesaba podía ser audaz y despiadadamente directa, sobre todo a la hora de defender a su familia.A los dieciocho años, Amy se sintió atraída por el candidato más inapropiado: un capitán americano, el apuesto Warren Anderson, atormentado por la traición de una amante infiel...
  Natt90 | Nov 10, 2022 |
Johanna Lindsey is an author I have read for many years and while her books are not amazing they are a good solid rainy afternoon escape. I think the best part of her books are the characters who are multi-faceted and keep me engaged in the book. ( )
  KateKat11 | Sep 24, 2021 |
This is one I have read more than once!
I was a bit bothered by the age of the heroine, but considering it is a historical romance I could semi-believe the story. It helped that I completely adored the heroine. She was funny and never gave up on her feelings for the hero despite what others might've said. I don't usually like reading about younger heroines as they can be immature and it is just not believable to me that they could truly be in love, but the heroine in this one was written so well that i couldn't help but adore and root for her. ( )
  odetteoswald | Dec 10, 2017 |
Amy Malory, niece of James and Anthony, and possessed of the black hair and cobalt eyes of their gypsy ancestor has set her cap for Warren Anderson, her new Aunt George's brother. And I do mean set her cap. She goes about seducing Warren out of his perpetually foul mood (due to being jilted and betrayed) with a single-mindedness that seems more suited to a modern day character than a Victorian British maiden of wealth and nobility. But, good on her, because it works out and everyone lives happily ever after. ( )
  EmScape | Oct 10, 2016 |
I enjoyed this book.
I would recommend. ( )
  CrystalW | Dec 15, 2015 |
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» Aggiungi altri autori

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Johanna Lindseyautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Merlington, LauralReaderautore principalealcune edizioniconfermato
Benita, Paulautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Cooke, SherilynnNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Melinder, Sonjaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato

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For Renie, and the magic we all possess
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Chapter 1
London, 1819

The barmaid sighed and sighed again, because the three handsome gentlemen, all young lords by the look of them, had requested no more than drinks from her, despite her best efforts to offer them her favors as well.
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Fiction. Romance. Historical Fiction. HTML:

As wild and reckless as the most incorrigible of her male cousins, Amy Malory has reached a marriageable age and has set her sights on a most inappropriate mate: the straight-laced American ship captain who once nearly had her Uncle James hung for piracy.

Warren Anderson is shocked by the brazen advances of his despised enemy's beautiful niece. Though determined to resist her, he burns for the enchanting British minx. And an impassioned heart implores him to surrender to a love that could stoke the smouldering fires of a family feud into a dangerous, all consuming blaze.


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