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Churched: One Kid's Journey Toward God…
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Churched: One Kid's Journey Toward God Despite a Holy Mess (edizione 2008)

di Matthew Paul Turner

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1255226,151 (3.48)4
He spent his childhood trapped within the confines of countless bizarre, strict rules. And lived to tell about it. In this first-hand account, author Matthew Paul Turner shares amusing–sometimes cringe-worthy–and poignant stories about growing up in a fundamentalist household, where even well-intentioned contemporary Christian music was proclaimed to be “of the devil.” churched is a collection of stories that detail an American boy’s experiences growing up in a culture where men weren’t allowed let their hair grow to touch their ears (“an abomination!”), women wouldn’t have been caught dead in a pair of pants (unless swimming), and the pastor couldn’t preach a sermon without a healthy dose of hellfire and brimstone. Matthew grapples with the absurdity of a Sunday School Barbie burning, the passionate annual boxing match between the pastor and Satan, and the holiness of being baptized a fifth time–while growing into a young man who, amidst the chaotic mess of religion, falls in love with Jesus.… (altro)
Titolo:Churched: One Kid's Journey Toward God Despite a Holy Mess
Autori:Matthew Paul Turner
Info:WaterBrook Press (2008), Hardcover, 240 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Churched: One Kid's Journey Toward God Despite a Holy Mess di Matthew Paul Turner

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Matthew Paul Turner's reminiscence of growing up fundamentalist, with appropriate haircut and hell-fire-evangelism is wildly entertaining for the most part. Occasionally he is appreciative, often he pokes fun at the legalism and crazy-making beliefs and behavior he witnessed. This book seems to be his way of processing his past and trying to make his peace with church and the narrow Christianity he was raised with.

In terms of style-there is something Donald-Milleresque here, though Donald Miller is much more preachy. Turner is more sarcastic and witty. I am not sure how fair his portrayal of people and events are. Memoirs are tricky that way, and especially when someone is critical of their past. But the critique is real and shared by many. Elements of what Turner describes were common to my growing up. ( )
  Jamichuk | May 22, 2017 |
A cute memoir - occasionally too cute - filled with deliciously funny and poignant moments that will ring true with anyone who has spent much time in the Christian church. Lightly cynical without being mean spirited, Matthew Turner captures really well the earnest world of a child who is in fear of God (and his fundamentalist pastor). He seems to have retained a genuine faith despite his experiences growing up, his key observations coming in the final couple of chapters. I wanted to read more about how he rescued that faith, how he worked through what the subtitle aptly calls 'a Holy Mess'. But overall a very enjoyable book that I'll recommend to my weird church friends as a form of cheerful therapy. ( )
  madcurrin | Sep 13, 2011 |
one man's snarky observations of a fundamentalist upbringing. There are some cute moments, but mostly it felt cliched and tired not because of the author but because I've lived around the same people and had friends who were ten times snarkier and funnier (props to Stewart and Douglas).
best lines - "Fundamentalism has little to do with Jesus."
"The pastor wasn't the most dynamic preacher, not according to fundamentalism standards, but every time he spoke about the good news, he cried. He felt something. He couldn't always communicate the hope effectively, but he felt it. I had moments when I felt it, too... [F]or the first time in my life, I worshipped God without feeling afraid." ( )
  revslick | May 11, 2011 |
Really enjoyable memoir about his childhood growing up in a Fundamentalist home. Nothing to really make it that much different than anything else though, but an interesting enjoyable read none the less. ( )
1 vota YoungGeekyLibrarian | Feb 3, 2011 |
I’ll be adding Turner to my list of favorite memoirists. This was a great little book.

So wow. I didn’t grow up in the church and my Christian experience started at a fairly mainstream somewhat Liberal church — so this was a whole new can of weird. You kind of hear about the crazy stuff that Turner describes (with both sarcasm and love), but this was such a delicious way to go about learning about it. Turner’s writing is very conversational and often laugh-out-loud funny. He also manages to stick a few daggers in there, that hit you straight in the heart. It’s a quick read — I finished it up on a plane ride down to San Diego and was disappointed that it was over — I wanted to keep reading! It was great to go alongside him in his journey toward faith where he somehow ended up falling in love with Jesus despite growing up surrounded by so much religiosity.

Read my full review here: ( )
  letseatgrandpa | Jul 23, 2010 |
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He spent his childhood trapped within the confines of countless bizarre, strict rules. And lived to tell about it. In this first-hand account, author Matthew Paul Turner shares amusing–sometimes cringe-worthy–and poignant stories about growing up in a fundamentalist household, where even well-intentioned contemporary Christian music was proclaimed to be “of the devil.” churched is a collection of stories that detail an American boy’s experiences growing up in a culture where men weren’t allowed let their hair grow to touch their ears (“an abomination!”), women wouldn’t have been caught dead in a pair of pants (unless swimming), and the pastor couldn’t preach a sermon without a healthy dose of hellfire and brimstone. Matthew grapples with the absurdity of a Sunday School Barbie burning, the passionate annual boxing match between the pastor and Satan, and the holiness of being baptized a fifth time–while growing into a young man who, amidst the chaotic mess of religion, falls in love with Jesus.

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