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Dogs Bark, but the Caravan Rolls On:…
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Dogs Bark, but the Caravan Rolls On: Observations Then and Now (edizione 2002)

di Frank Conroy (Autore)

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392647,726 (4.2)1
A "superb blend of personal essays and journalistic articles" on everything from fatherhood to writing workshops to jazz musicians (Chicago Sun-Times).   "At once subtle and dazzling," these pieces--collected from such publications as Esquire, Harper's Magazine, and GQ--serve as both a wide-ranging journey through topics like art and music and an autobiographical look into the life of one of our most acclaimed literary figures, the author of such books as Stop-Time and Body & Soul and a director of the renowned Writers' Workshop at the University of Iowa (Publishers Weekly).   "[An] interesting and well-done anthology. Conroy takes on such topics as learning to play pool, fatherhood, the value of now-disappearing small towns in instilling family values, the enthusiasms of jazz musician Wynton Marsalis, and, of course, the Writers' Workshop." --Library Journal   "Highly enjoyable and illuminating . . . Dogs Bark is simply one of the best books published in a long, long time." --Fort Worth Star-Telegram… (altro)
Titolo:Dogs Bark, but the Caravan Rolls On: Observations Then and Now
Autori:Frank Conroy (Autore)
Info:Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (2002), Edition: 1st, 240 pages
Collezioni:2023, La tua biblioteca
Etichette:essays, non-fiction

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Dogs Bark, but the Caravan Rolls On: Observations Then and Now di Frank Conroy

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Yes, this book was a revelation to me. I am a writer wannabe, a pretender to the mantel of nonfiction writing. While I was searching blindly through the literature to find myself, my voice, perhaps an inspiration, I heard Frank Conroy interviewed on Michael Feldman's radio program on NPR. Conroy was talking about this very book. I was intrigued, I was interested. I went out, I bought the book. I read, and I learned, in the most pleasurable way possible. I was in the hands of a good writer, one that is able to carry me through his narrative and make his point with clarity and humor.
I learned about jazz, about music in general. I learned about the Iowas Writers Workshop, what they are trying to do and how they are trying to do it. It was, alas, a short book, but it made me a more knowledgable person. It made me appreciate life. It made me excited about things I never thought I would be interested in, and I am excited about writing. What more can you ask for from a book? ( )
  pw0327 | Oct 3, 2006 |
  aletheia21 | Jun 3, 2007 |
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A "superb blend of personal essays and journalistic articles" on everything from fatherhood to writing workshops to jazz musicians (Chicago Sun-Times).   "At once subtle and dazzling," these pieces--collected from such publications as Esquire, Harper's Magazine, and GQ--serve as both a wide-ranging journey through topics like art and music and an autobiographical look into the life of one of our most acclaimed literary figures, the author of such books as Stop-Time and Body & Soul and a director of the renowned Writers' Workshop at the University of Iowa (Publishers Weekly).   "[An] interesting and well-done anthology. Conroy takes on such topics as learning to play pool, fatherhood, the value of now-disappearing small towns in instilling family values, the enthusiasms of jazz musician Wynton Marsalis, and, of course, the Writers' Workshop." --Library Journal   "Highly enjoyable and illuminating . . . Dogs Bark is simply one of the best books published in a long, long time." --Fort Worth Star-Telegram

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