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Twenties Girl: A Novel di Sophie Kinsella
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Twenties Girl: A Novel (edizione 2010)

di Sophie Kinsella

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3,0361334,724 (3.78)71
Fiction. Literature. Romance. Humor (Fiction.) HTML:BONUS: This edition contains an excerpt from Sophie Kinsella's Wedding Night.
Lara Lington has always had an overactive imagination, but suddenly that imagination seems to be in overdrive. Normal professional twenty-something young women don’t get visited by ghosts. Or do they?
When the spirit of Lara’s great-aunt Sadie—a feisty, demanding girl with firm ideas about fashion, love, and the right way to dance—mysteriously appears, she has one request: Lara must find a missing necklace that had been in Sadie’s possession for more than seventy-five years, because Sadie cannot rest without it. 
Lara and Sadie make a hilarious sparring duo, and at first it seems as though they have nothing in common. But as the mission to find Sadie’s necklace leads to intrigue and a new romance for Lara, these very different “twenties” girls learn some surprising truths from and about each other. Written with all the irrepressible charm and humor that have made Sophie Kinsella’s books beloved by millions, Twenties Girl is also a deeply moving testament to the transcendent bonds of friendship and family.
… (altro)
Titolo:Twenties Girl: A Novel
Autori:Sophie Kinsella
Info:Dial Press Trade Paperback (2010), Edition: Signed, Paperback, 448 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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La ragazza fantasma di Sophie Kinsella

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» Vedi le 71 citazioni

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Solita storiella "Kinsella style" che ricorda i libri della serie "I love shopping"; lettura estiva per passare il tempo. ( )
  ginsengman | Jul 8, 2016 |
No, non ce la faccio proprio. Peccato, la trama sembrava carina e il fantasma, benché irritante, aveva un suo perché.
  Dasly | Feb 18, 2014 |
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[T]he newest addition to Sophie Kinsella's growing library of comedies about plucky women unafraid to dust themselves off from the last caper before heading off to the next.
De Londense twintiger Lara Lington (ik-personage) gaat met tegenzin naar de crematie van haar oudtante Sadie, die 105 jaar oud is geworden. Vlak na de dienst wordt Lara opgeschrikt door de overledene, die in de vorm van een geest heeft besloten nog niet klaar te zijn voor het hiernamaals. Lara krijgt de opdracht om voor Sadie een ketting te vinden, die een belangrijke betekenis voor haar heeft. De zoektocht verloopt alles behalve voorspoedig, maar Lara leert haar oudtante wel behoorlijk goed kennen. Tevens maakt ze handig gebruik van de situatie door de excentrieke Sadie onder andere haar ex-vriendje te laten bespioneren. Vrolijke, ongecompliceerde roman van de populaire auteur, die met grote vaart is geschreven. De humor is, dankzij de vele blunders van het hoofdpersonage, volop aanwezig in dit – voor chicklit-begrippen – originele verhaal. Wie bekend is met de stijl van de schrijfster, zal niet verrast zijn, maar deze roman zal zeker in de smaak vallen bij een brede, vrouwelijke doelgroep.
aggiunto da Liyanna | modificaBiblion, Daniela Koeleman

» Aggiungi altri autori (34 potenziali)

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Sophie Kinsellaautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Collingwood, JaneNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Herronen, AilaTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Landor, RosalynNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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To Susan Kamil, who inspired me years ago with the remark: 'You should write a ghost story one day.'
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The thing about lying to your parents is, you have to do it to protect them.
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Fiction. Literature. Romance. Humor (Fiction.) HTML:BONUS: This edition contains an excerpt from Sophie Kinsella's Wedding Night.
Lara Lington has always had an overactive imagination, but suddenly that imagination seems to be in overdrive. Normal professional twenty-something young women don’t get visited by ghosts. Or do they?
When the spirit of Lara’s great-aunt Sadie—a feisty, demanding girl with firm ideas about fashion, love, and the right way to dance—mysteriously appears, she has one request: Lara must find a missing necklace that had been in Sadie’s possession for more than seventy-five years, because Sadie cannot rest without it. 
Lara and Sadie make a hilarious sparring duo, and at first it seems as though they have nothing in common. But as the mission to find Sadie’s necklace leads to intrigue and a new romance for Lara, these very different “twenties” girls learn some surprising truths from and about each other. Written with all the irrepressible charm and humor that have made Sophie Kinsella’s books beloved by millions, Twenties Girl is also a deeply moving testament to the transcendent bonds of friendship and family.

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Media: (3.78)
0.5 1
1 15
2 53
2.5 15
3 193
3.5 58
4 311
4.5 32
5 189

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