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The Mystery of Rommel's Gold: The Search for the Legendary Nazi Treasure (World War II Stories Series)

di Peter Haining

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The whereabouts of a stolen hoard of treasure known as Rommel's Gold is one of the most elusive and enduring mysteries of World War II. This fabulous cache, mainly comprising gold ingots and believed to be worth millions, was first heard of in 1941 following the German blitzkrieg of Yugoslavia. Rumors abound as to what actually happened to the missing gold, and where it might be today. Claims include that it was seized by a renegade Panzer unit and hidden in the North African desert for reclamation after the war; that it was dispatched to Germany as a gift for Hitler but never reached its destination; or that it was taken by Italian partisans who set sail for Corsica, where their boat mysteriously sank just offshore. The first book devoted to this fascinating story, this work examines the theories and reviews the various searches that have taken place over the last 60 years.… (altro)
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The whereabouts of a stolen hoard of treasure known as Rommel's Gold is one of the most elusive and enduring mysteries of World War II. This fabulous cache, mainly comprising gold ingots and believed to be worth millions, was first heard of in 1941 following the German blitzkrieg of Yugoslavia. Rumors abound as to what actually happened to the missing gold, and where it might be today. Claims include that it was seized by a renegade Panzer unit and hidden in the North African desert for reclamation after the war; that it was dispatched to Germany as a gift for Hitler but never reached its destination; or that it was taken by Italian partisans who set sail for Corsica, where their boat mysteriously sank just offshore. The first book devoted to this fascinating story, this work examines the theories and reviews the various searches that have taken place over the last 60 years.

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