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Sister Love and Other Crime Stories (Oxford…
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Sister Love and Other Crime Stories (Oxford Bookworms Library: Crime & Mystery) (edizione 2008)

di Bassett

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"Some sisters are good friends, some are not. Sometimes there is more hate in a family than there is love. Karin is beautiful and has lots of men friends, but she can be very unkind to her sister Marcia. Perhaps when they were small, there was love between them, but that was a long time ago. They say that everybody has one crime in them. Perhaps they only take an umbrella that does not belong to them. Perhaps they steal from a shop, perhaps they get angry and hit someone, perhaps they kill ..." -- back cover.… (altro)
Titolo:Sister Love and Other Crime Stories (Oxford Bookworms Library: Crime & Mystery)
Info:Oxford University Press, USA (2008), Paperback, 56 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Sister Love and Other Crime Stories [Oxford Bookworms] di John Escott

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This book has three stories.
Marcia has a sister Karin,a very beautiful woman.
They are unlike.
One day Marcia comes home with a man,and...

It's a short story,but I enjoyed reading.
I was afraid of Marcia.
The other stories is also interesting. ( )
  tamao | Jan 25, 2012 |
This book has three books.
Sister Love's main character is Marcia.
She lives with sick her father and her young sister.
One day, she took her boyfriend to her house.
I think Marcia is poor.
I feel afraid of Love.
I want to be happy for Marcia and her sister. ( )
  urayan | Jan 24, 2012 |
This book has three short stories and all of that contain "crime".
The first one is "Sister Love". This is a sadful story about a sister...
These story have reality. So I interested in those. ( )
  S.tanaka | Jan 22, 2012 |
This book contains three short stories. First story is "Sister Love", second one is "Joey's luck" ,and third one is "Hush Money". All story is about crime.
This story is interesting for me, and easy to read. I think "Joey's luck" is the best. This story show if you done a bad thing, it will fall on your own body. ( )
  nayuta | Jan 22, 2012 |
This book consist of three stories.Karin is not alike Marcia but they are sisters.Karin is very beautiful but Marcia is unmarried woman.So the problem happen.
I and my older sister is not aliked.But we are good friends.After I finished read it,I noticed my sister's kindness because a quarrel is not hapened between I and my sister. ( )
  dressy | Jan 22, 2012 |
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"Some sisters are good friends, some are not. Sometimes there is more hate in a family than there is love. Karin is beautiful and has lots of men friends, but she can be very unkind to her sister Marcia. Perhaps when they were small, there was love between them, but that was a long time ago. They say that everybody has one crime in them. Perhaps they only take an umbrella that does not belong to them. Perhaps they steal from a shop, perhaps they get angry and hit someone, perhaps they kill ..." -- back cover.

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