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Differentiating Instruction With Style: Aligning Teacher and Learner Intelligences for Maximum Achievement

di Gayle H. Gregory

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The foundation of differentiated instruction is the teacher′s ability to understand student preferences in thinking styles, learning styles, and multiple intelligences and then to use that understanding to plan instruction for the diversity of learners in the classroom. This important new book from Gayle Gregory provides teachers with a bridge between theory and instructional practice. The book covers essential research and theory: - core principles of brain-compatible learning; - core theories from Jung, Gregorc, Kolb, McCarthy, Lowry, and others about learning styles; - core theories from Costa, Gardner, Sternberg, Goleman, and others about intelligence; - core taxonomies from Bloom, Quellmalz, Krathwohl, Williams, Eberle, and others about thinking and creativity. Crossing all categories are instructional, analytic, and planning tools, strategies, and templates for putting all that theory into classroom practice. For readers new to Gayle Gregory′s work on differentiated instruction, this is an ideal starting point. For readers who own Gayle′s prior volumes, this new work is a must.… (altro)
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The foundation of differentiated instruction is the teacher′s ability to understand student preferences in thinking styles, learning styles, and multiple intelligences and then to use that understanding to plan instruction for the diversity of learners in the classroom. This important new book from Gayle Gregory provides teachers with a bridge between theory and instructional practice. The book covers essential research and theory: - core principles of brain-compatible learning; - core theories from Jung, Gregorc, Kolb, McCarthy, Lowry, and others about learning styles; - core theories from Costa, Gardner, Sternberg, Goleman, and others about intelligence; - core taxonomies from Bloom, Quellmalz, Krathwohl, Williams, Eberle, and others about thinking and creativity. Crossing all categories are instructional, analytic, and planning tools, strategies, and templates for putting all that theory into classroom practice. For readers new to Gayle Gregory′s work on differentiated instruction, this is an ideal starting point. For readers who own Gayle′s prior volumes, this new work is a must.

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