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In the Pink: The Making of Successful Gay and Lesbian-Owned Businesses

di Sue Levin

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If you're interested in opening a quaint cafe in the country with your lover, you might want to peruse In the Pink: The Making of Successful Gay and Lesbian Owned Businesses before you do. This smart and practical guide is a great motivational tool to start your own successful business, even if you're not sure exactly where to begin. You'll get personal insight into what over 650 gay and lesbian entrepreneurs have to say about why and how they started their businesses and--most importantly--what they do to keep them open, profit-producing businesses today. In the Pink is a positive yet real-life view of gay and lesbian business ownership. You'll get practical, useful tips on having a gay-focused business, being partners with your partner, managing gay employees, and much, much more! You'll find a broad and far-reaching array of research and anecdotes from a number of successful gay- and lesbian-owned businesses from a wide geographical region. In addition, you'll get personalized help on general issues, such as motivation, personality, finance, marketing, planning, and management--but from a gay perspective. As a business owner, you'll be absolutely tickled pink when you read about: what the nation's oldest gay and lesbian magazine says about the day-to-day challenges of running a business why and how some of the largest gay and lesbian businesses in the country got started what makes the most successful gay and lesbian owned travel companies really fly how to "out" your business what to do about AIDS-related concerns For academics, entrepreneurs, and employees alike, In the Pink will fit well into your life's needs, whether you're a professor heading a gay and lesbian business seminar, a gay or lesbian university graduate seeking a promising job, or a self-starter looking for sound guidance and business savvy. Without a doubt, the inspiration and often entertaining hands-on advice you'll find gathered for you here will guarantee you'll find yourself in the green as well as "in the pink."… (altro)
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If you're interested in opening a quaint cafe in the country with your lover, you might want to peruse In the Pink: The Making of Successful Gay and Lesbian Owned Businesses before you do. This smart and practical guide is a great motivational tool to start your own successful business, even if you're not sure exactly where to begin. You'll get personal insight into what over 650 gay and lesbian entrepreneurs have to say about why and how they started their businesses and--most importantly--what they do to keep them open, profit-producing businesses today. In the Pink is a positive yet real-life view of gay and lesbian business ownership. You'll get practical, useful tips on having a gay-focused business, being partners with your partner, managing gay employees, and much, much more! You'll find a broad and far-reaching array of research and anecdotes from a number of successful gay- and lesbian-owned businesses from a wide geographical region. In addition, you'll get personalized help on general issues, such as motivation, personality, finance, marketing, planning, and management--but from a gay perspective. As a business owner, you'll be absolutely tickled pink when you read about: what the nation's oldest gay and lesbian magazine says about the day-to-day challenges of running a business why and how some of the largest gay and lesbian businesses in the country got started what makes the most successful gay and lesbian owned travel companies really fly how to "out" your business what to do about AIDS-related concerns For academics, entrepreneurs, and employees alike, In the Pink will fit well into your life's needs, whether you're a professor heading a gay and lesbian business seminar, a gay or lesbian university graduate seeking a promising job, or a self-starter looking for sound guidance and business savvy. Without a doubt, the inspiration and often entertaining hands-on advice you'll find gathered for you here will guarantee you'll find yourself in the green as well as "in the pink."

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