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Making Sense Out of Suffering (1986)

di Peter Kreeft

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662436,413 (4.08)5
This book is for anyone who has ever wept and wondered, "Why?" Peter Kreeft observes that our world is full of billions of normal lives that have been touched by apparently pointless and random suffering. This account of a real and honest personal quest is both engaging and convincing. Written from a deep well of wisdom derived from experience and careful observation, Making Sense Out of Suffering is a book for empty hearts, not full ones. Read it if you are hungry for insight into the mystery of suffering.… (altro)
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God whispers inour pleasures but shouts in our pains. Pain is His megaphone to rouse a dulled word -c.S. Lewis. This book is for anyone who has ever wept and wondered,, "Why?"
  ImmanuelPPLibrary | Aug 25, 2024 |
Kreeft examines suffering through the lenses of theology, apologetics, philosophy, and personal experience: Why do people suffer and is there any good that can come from suffering. This is a heart and head book, one that will teach you and bathe you in answers.
  JourneyPC | Sep 26, 2022 |
This book is for anyone who has ever wept and wondered, "Why?" Peter Kreeft observes that our world is full of billions of normal lives that have been touched by apparently pointless and random suffering. This account of a real and honest personal quest is both engaging and convincing. Written from a deep well of wisdom derived from experience and careful observation, Making Sense Out of Suffering is a book for empty hearts, not full ones. Read it if you are hungry for insight into the mystery of suffering.
  StFrancisofAssisi | Mar 12, 2020 |
I'm looking forward to my favorite Protestant/Catholic writer. Kreeft said his best decision in life was to become a Catholic but he never will be able to shake his wonderful Protestant upbringing.
  GEPPSTER53 | Jul 16, 2009 |
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This book is for anyone who has ever wept and wondered, "Why?" Peter Kreeft observes that our world is full of billions of normal lives that have been touched by apparently pointless and random suffering. This account of a real and honest personal quest is both engaging and convincing. Written from a deep well of wisdom derived from experience and careful observation, Making Sense Out of Suffering is a book for empty hearts, not full ones. Read it if you are hungry for insight into the mystery of suffering.

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Media: (4.08)
2 1
2.5 2
3 6
3.5 1
4 15
4.5 1
5 14

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