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Burned di Ellen Hopkins
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Burned (originale 2006; edizione 2013)

di Ellen Hopkins (Autore)

Serie: Burned (1)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
2,704875,582 (4.11)33
Seventeen-year-old Pattyn, the eldest daughter in a large Mormon family, is sent to her aunt's Nevada ranch for the summer, where she temporarily escapes her alcoholic, abusive father and finds love and acceptance, only to lose everything when she returns home.
Autori:Ellen Hopkins (Autore)
Info:Margaret K. McElderry Books (2013), Edition: Reissue, 560 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Burned di Ellen Hopkins (2006)

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» Vedi le 33 citazioni

I absolutely love Ellen Hopkins. She has become my favorite author. She has such a fascinating way of writing. Like the majority of her books, I definitely give it a 5 star review. I was hardly able to out the book down! ( )
  paulneocube | Mar 3, 2024 |
  BooksInMirror | Feb 19, 2024 |
I thought this book was a tragic story. It would be horrible to be kicked out of your house and even worse that your family doesn't even care and having a feeling that there's no one to rely on. ( )
  Biyankuh | Aug 21, 2020 |
amazing! I love her books. I love how the pages are short but its to the point. Intense. She explains enough for you to know but not ask questions. ( )
  smooody106 | Apr 17, 2020 |
This was certainly a cautionary tale -- a cautionary tale against believing that true love only happens once -- in your teens no less; a cautionary tale about lying to the women in our lives and keeping them oppressed ... a cautionary tale against religion, especially a religion that oppresses women and treats them as possessions.

I was disappointed by a few points ... the ending being one because I wish it had continued!
I was disappointed that the teen believed in "true love" so strongly and what happened to her because of that ... but at the same time, that was the story and that was the point ...

As much as you want to believe it's just a work of fiction, you also know that for some poor teen out there, being oppressed by a religion that says she's nothing more than a baby making machine, to be owned by her future husband, this is reality.

Adrianne ( )
1 vota Adrianne_p | Mar 11, 2020 |
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"This book is dedicated to my exceptional editor and support system, Julia Richardson. With special thanks to kathleen Jones, who found the courage to forge her own path, and without whose help this book would not have been as accurate a glimpse of a young woman struggling with her religion."
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"When you were little, endure your parents' warnings, then wait for them to leave the room, pry loose protective covers and consider inserting some metal object into an electrical outlet?"
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Wikipedia in inglese (1)

Seventeen-year-old Pattyn, the eldest daughter in a large Mormon family, is sent to her aunt's Nevada ranch for the summer, where she temporarily escapes her alcoholic, abusive father and finds love and acceptance, only to lose everything when she returns home.

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Media: (4.11)
1 10
1.5 1
2 21
2.5 5
3 81
3.5 18
4 164
4.5 17
5 225

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