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Constitutional Reform

di Rodney Brazier

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The third edition of Constitutional Reform examines central government, Parliament, and the judiciary in Britain and proposes an agenda for reform. In addition to issues such as voting reform, reform of House of Lords and how citizens' rights might be better protected, the book considers thebest methods through which such changes should be achieved and provides material for the international comparison of constitutions. Whilst the book has been fully revised and updated to provide a retrospective analysis of the major constitutional reforms of Tony Blair's premiership, it is notlimited to that government's agenda and includes material on previous government's reforms and Gordon Brown's reform agenda.The third edition includes two new chapters, one on the structure and possible future of the United Kingdom and the other on whether the United Kingdom should adopt a codified constitution. It retains the clarity and lucid writing style of previous editions and features an expanded bibliographyenabling readers to follow up points of particular interest. The book provides detailed coverage of British constitutional reform in the early twenty-first century and whilst aimed primarily at students of constitutional law, politics and government, it will also be of interest to the generalreader.… (altro)
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The third edition of Constitutional Reform examines central government, Parliament, and the judiciary in Britain and proposes an agenda for reform. In addition to issues such as voting reform, reform of House of Lords and how citizens' rights might be better protected, the book considers thebest methods through which such changes should be achieved and provides material for the international comparison of constitutions. Whilst the book has been fully revised and updated to provide a retrospective analysis of the major constitutional reforms of Tony Blair's premiership, it is notlimited to that government's agenda and includes material on previous government's reforms and Gordon Brown's reform agenda.The third edition includes two new chapters, one on the structure and possible future of the United Kingdom and the other on whether the United Kingdom should adopt a codified constitution. It retains the clarity and lucid writing style of previous editions and features an expanded bibliographyenabling readers to follow up points of particular interest. The book provides detailed coverage of British constitutional reform in the early twenty-first century and whilst aimed primarily at students of constitutional law, politics and government, it will also be of interest to the generalreader.

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