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In The Grip Of Grace di Max Lucado
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In The Grip Of Grace (originale 1996; edizione 1996)

di Max Lucado (Autore)

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2,461166,402 (4.1)5
Get caught! Life is full of fumbles and stumbles. Fraught with opportunities to make mistakes, occasions to feel guilty, and the drive to "do it yourself." The pressure to be self-sufficient is high, but it isn't the life God offers. The way of the world will direct you to try harder and work smarter so that you can take care of yourself and even make yourself successful. But the way of the cross will point toward the place where you stop striving . . . stop pushing . . . stop every self-initiated effort--so that you can fall into the boundless, liberating, refreshing grace of God! Just imagine being love-driven instead of self-propelled. Imagine abandoning your life to Jesus instead of trying to save yourself. Can you imagine exchanging your fears for that peace that passes understanding? Being relaxed and free instead of stressed-out and anxious? If you can imagine enjoying God instead of trying to repay him, then you can imagine grace. So go ahead! Jump off the cliff of self-sufficiency. Leap out of legalism. Walk off the pier of guilt and condemnation. That's the only way you'll land in the strong arms of the Father who loves you . . . the Father who catches you--every time--in the grip of his grace.… (altro)
Titolo:In The Grip Of Grace
Autori:Max Lucado (Autore)
Info:Thomas Nelson Inc (1996), Edition: First Edition, 235 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura, Lista dei desideri

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In The Grip Of Grace di Max Lucado (1996)

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  WBCLIB | Feb 19, 2023 |





路卡杜(Max Lucado),美國最受歡迎的基督徒作家之一,著述豐富,多為暢銷之作,曾獲多次美國基督教福音派出版人聯會「金章獎」(Gold Medallion Awards, ECPA)。其作品不但扎實的聖經基礎,更富精彩的想像力,能幫助讀者在平淡、熟悉的事物中探得另一番奧妙,領受更深的真理。除研經、靈修性書藉,作者亦擅長兒童故事寫作。

引言 自製衣服 Vs. 恩師之袍
第1章 流落大河邊的四兄弟
第一部 一團混亂
第2章 慈愛之神也會生氣
第3章 假如我們變成蟋蟀
第4章 所求的都是同一個月亮
第5章 血統純正的水手&美人魚刺青
第二部 奇妙的神
第6章 改變局勢的打擊手
第7章 保了個永恆的天堂險
第8章 不同償還的信用卡
第9章 一份永禮物,三份祝福
第10章 乞丐可享皇家盛宴
第三部 天壤之別
第11章 你會習慣更高的標準
第12章 早早自首,幸福久久
第13章 所需惟有「降落傘」
第14章 誰能救你免於撞牆之苦?
第15章 散步在恩典的花園中
第16章 足夠大的天國海軍船艦
第17章 十字架是時間長度的答案
結語 別忘了關照我
  CCCClibrary | Dec 3, 2021 |
Writings on the grace of God in Lucado's signature story telling, easy to read with examples that make sense. ( )
  hobbitprincess | Aug 20, 2021 |
Pode alguma coisa separa-nos do amor que Cristo tem por nós? O Autor convida a escalar o cume da montanha da misericórdia divina. Nas Garras da Graça recordará a você que o Deus que o criou é suficientemente forte para sustentá-lo. Ele mostra que a dimensão da Graça de Deus é imensamente maior que os nossos conceitos de pecado, justiça e até amor.
  UMADFLOR | Jun 14, 2021 |
作者説: 我能問你一個很重要的問題嗎?假如神回答「不」,怎麼辦?如果神說:「我的恩典夠你用的。」你會知足嗎?作者以詼諧幽默的事例,讓我們了解,在一切的困境中,惟有神的恩典能夠成就一切,而且,單靠恩典!全書會讓讀者在輕鬆中有豐富的領受。
  cpcmlib | Oct 15, 2020 |
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Get caught! Life is full of fumbles and stumbles. Fraught with opportunities to make mistakes, occasions to feel guilty, and the drive to "do it yourself." The pressure to be self-sufficient is high, but it isn't the life God offers. The way of the world will direct you to try harder and work smarter so that you can take care of yourself and even make yourself successful. But the way of the cross will point toward the place where you stop striving . . . stop pushing . . . stop every self-initiated effort--so that you can fall into the boundless, liberating, refreshing grace of God! Just imagine being love-driven instead of self-propelled. Imagine abandoning your life to Jesus instead of trying to save yourself. Can you imagine exchanging your fears for that peace that passes understanding? Being relaxed and free instead of stressed-out and anxious? If you can imagine enjoying God instead of trying to repay him, then you can imagine grace. So go ahead! Jump off the cliff of self-sufficiency. Leap out of legalism. Walk off the pier of guilt and condemnation. That's the only way you'll land in the strong arms of the Father who loves you . . . the Father who catches you--every time--in the grip of his grace.

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