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Why Julian Now?: A Voyage of Discovery (1997)

di Sheila Upjohn

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Julian of Norwich wrote her Revelations of Divine Love in a small room on a Norwich backstreet 600 years ago. Yet there is astonishing interest in Julian today, and her book continues to be widely read. But why? What possible relevance could the writing of this unlettered woman have for us in today's troubled world, a world vastly different from medieval England? This question so challenged Sheila Upjohn, a recognized authority on Julian, that she embarked on a quest to answer the question Why Julian now? Upjohn's journey became a personal voyage of discovery that led her to explore, in Julian's company, the nature of God, creation, prayer, sin, the devil, salvation, and the social and religious differences between Julian's fourteenth-century context and our own world. The lively traveler's tales that record Upjohn's journey are at once moving and profound. She acknowledges Julian as a "spiritual giant" and reevalutes the wealth of Julian's teaching with a fresh and dynamic outlook. She alsoshows that Julian's clear-eyed vision is urgently needed today, that it can indeed transform our understanding of God as we travel into the twenty-first century.… (altro)
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This book is for the
Community of All Hallows
in whose Gate House
much of it was written
Dati dalle informazioni generali inglesi. Modifica per tradurlo nella tua lingua.
Once upon a time, which is the start of all good stories, I used to reply to the question 'Why Julian now?' by saying that it was, perhaps, because her age and ours are similar.
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Julian of Norwich wrote her Revelations of Divine Love in a small room on a Norwich backstreet 600 years ago. Yet there is astonishing interest in Julian today, and her book continues to be widely read. But why? What possible relevance could the writing of this unlettered woman have for us in today's troubled world, a world vastly different from medieval England? This question so challenged Sheila Upjohn, a recognized authority on Julian, that she embarked on a quest to answer the question Why Julian now? Upjohn's journey became a personal voyage of discovery that led her to explore, in Julian's company, the nature of God, creation, prayer, sin, the devil, salvation, and the social and religious differences between Julian's fourteenth-century context and our own world. The lively traveler's tales that record Upjohn's journey are at once moving and profound. She acknowledges Julian as a "spiritual giant" and reevalutes the wealth of Julian's teaching with a fresh and dynamic outlook. She alsoshows that Julian's clear-eyed vision is urgently needed today, that it can indeed transform our understanding of God as we travel into the twenty-first century.

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