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Terence Conran's Inspiration

di Terence Conran

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People say that the most successful homes are the most sustaining and invigorating to live in, or even just to visit. This is true of Barton Court, the house in Berkshire where Terence Conran has made his country home since 1977. It has been a family home, a center to his Habitat Design business, a factory and studio for producing commercial and domestic furniture, a laboratory for testing his recipes and writing cookery books and has a working fruit, vegetable and herb garden, supplying produce for his restaurants. Through  the objects that Terence has collected, and the things he finds on his travels, we can learn, not only about  the man behind a multi-million dollar empire, but the processes that stimulate his creativity and the sources of his inspiration. In this part visual biography, part guided tour Terence Conran explains what he sees and what he should look for in good design and just what has inspired him through his varied career.… (altro)
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People say that the most successful homes are the most sustaining and invigorating to live in, or even just to visit. This is true of Barton Court, the house in Berkshire where Terence Conran has made his country home since 1977. It has been a family home, a center to his Habitat Design business, a factory and studio for producing commercial and domestic furniture, a laboratory for testing his recipes and writing cookery books and has a working fruit, vegetable and herb garden, supplying produce for his restaurants. Through  the objects that Terence has collected, and the things he finds on his travels, we can learn, not only about  the man behind a multi-million dollar empire, but the processes that stimulate his creativity and the sources of his inspiration. In this part visual biography, part guided tour Terence Conran explains what he sees and what he should look for in good design and just what has inspired him through his varied career.

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