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Matlock Paper di Robert Ludlum
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Matlock Paper (originale 1973; edizione 1998)

di Robert Ludlum (Autore)

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1,2361116,455 (3.33)5
Fiction. Literature. Thriller. HTML:The name on the computer screen is James Barbour Matlock, college professor and Vietnam veteran. He’s Washington’s choice to stop a far-reaching conspiracy in an undercover assignment destined to put his neck against the razor’s edge of danger. But the faceless men behind the scenes don’t care if it means savaging the woman he loves or trapping him in a maze of unrelenting terror. They just care about one thing: Matlock is the perfect man for the job—and the reason why is disturbing, explosive, and extremely deadly.
Praise for Robert Ludlum and The Matlock Paper
“A sure winner . . . fast paced, suspenseful, and bound to keep you turning the pages.”The Denver Post
“A 110% story all in overdrive . . . Ludlum writes better and better.”Kirkus Reviews
“Suspense, violence, and total readability.”Chicago Tribune.
… (altro)
Titolo:Matlock Paper
Autori:Robert Ludlum (Autore)
Info:Hunter Publishing inc (1998), Edition: New edition, 352 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura, Da leggere

Informazioni sull'opera

Il dossier Matlock di Robert Ludlum (1973)

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» Vedi le 5 citazioni

  omoucho | Jun 19, 2024 |
Matlock, un profesor de universidad al que no le gustan algunas cosas de su entorno, es involucrado a vuluntad propia en una red de delincuencia, la que le absorbe hasta sus entrañas, todo parece muy simple, pero nada es tan simple.
  Natt90 | Nov 9, 2022 |
Re-reading some of my old Ludlum's. Not a bad story at all, but not one of his best either. Another problem with Ludlum is just how dated some of them are, but that also means that there is some decent zeitgeist to be had. This one reminds the reader of campus unrest and a proliferating drug culture. The conspiracy is almost laughable, though, for anyone familiar with academia. ( )
  AliceAnna | Aug 8, 2022 |
One of Ludlum's early books. Kind of sketchy in getting a college professor to go against a drug smuggling ring, but it does have some interesting parts. If you can get past the plot, this can be an enjoyable read. Ludlum is not at his best in this book. It seems he was still learning the craft that would make him a pile of money once it was refined a bit in the Bourne trilogy. ( )
  krgulick | Jun 19, 2019 |
Written in 1973 The Matlock Paper is a crime thriller about an investigation into a drugs and crime racket on university campuses in 1970s America. The main character is ruthlessly chosen by the Justice Department in the knowledge he may very well end up dead - the greater good and all that.

It's a pretty decent mystery as to who is the man behind the criminal organisation, you have your suspicions, yet the ending is still good.

Overall, a dated but not bad early Ludlum novel. ( )
  HenriMoreaux | Aug 15, 2016 |
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Robert Ludlumautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Schmidt, BillImmagine di copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Verhoef, MarleenTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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For Pat and Bill—

As the ancient Bagdhivi proverbs says:

When giants cast shadows, hope for the shade.

The "Due Macellis" are giants!
Dati dalle informazioni generali inglesi. Modifica per tradurlo nella tua lingua.
Loring walked out the side entrance of the Justice Department and looked for a taxi. It was nearly first thirty, a spring Friday, and the congestion in the Washington streets was awful. Loring stood by the curb and held up his left hand, hoping for the best. He was about to abandon the effort when a cab that had picked up a fare thirty feet down the block stopped in front of him.
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Risorse esterne che parlano di questo libro

Wikipedia in inglese (1)

Fiction. Literature. Thriller. HTML:The name on the computer screen is James Barbour Matlock, college professor and Vietnam veteran. He’s Washington’s choice to stop a far-reaching conspiracy in an undercover assignment destined to put his neck against the razor’s edge of danger. But the faceless men behind the scenes don’t care if it means savaging the woman he loves or trapping him in a maze of unrelenting terror. They just care about one thing: Matlock is the perfect man for the job—and the reason why is disturbing, explosive, and extremely deadly.
Praise for Robert Ludlum and The Matlock Paper
“A sure winner . . . fast paced, suspenseful, and bound to keep you turning the pages.”The Denver Post
“A 110% story all in overdrive . . . Ludlum writes better and better.”Kirkus Reviews
“Suspense, violence, and total readability.”Chicago Tribune.

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Media: (3.33)
1 7
1.5 2
2 22
2.5 4
3 68
3.5 12
4 52
5 23

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