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Science vs. Religion: The 500-Year War,…
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Science vs. Religion: The 500-Year War, Finding God in the Heat of the Battle (edizione 2004)

di MD David J. Turell (Autore)

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Science vs. Religion shows that the scientific discoveries of the past 150 years prove God exists beyond a reasonable doubt. Our universe is carefully designed to allow life and human development. The universe started with a aBig Bang, a the beginning of space and time. There is no abeforea before the Bang, and science does not know what caused it. Darwinas Theory of Evolution appears to do away with God, but there is enormous controversy among Darwin scientists as to how evolution works. Other scientists raise critical objections. Darwinism is not proven. Scientists donat know how life got started, because living matter, even single-celled forms, have been found to be extremely complex. This book proposes, for those who have faith in God and for those who have chosen not to accept God on faith, if they study scientific discoveries they will find overwhelming evidence of the Hand of God.… (altro)
Titolo:Science vs. Religion: The 500-Year War, Finding God in the Heat of the Battle
Autori:MD David J. Turell (Autore)
Info:PublishAmerica (2004), 264 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura, Lista dei desideri

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Science vs. Religion: The 500-Year War, Finding God in the Heat of the Battle di David J. MD Turell

Aggiunto di recente daRichardCox, tmciver, get1949, vikk
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Science vs. Religion shows that the scientific discoveries of the past 150 years prove God exists beyond a reasonable doubt. Our universe is carefully designed to allow life and human development. The universe started with a aBig Bang, a the beginning of space and time. There is no abeforea before the Bang, and science does not know what caused it. Darwinas Theory of Evolution appears to do away with God, but there is enormous controversy among Darwin scientists as to how evolution works. Other scientists raise critical objections. Darwinism is not proven. Scientists donat know how life got started, because living matter, even single-celled forms, have been found to be extremely complex. This book proposes, for those who have faith in God and for those who have chosen not to accept God on faith, if they study scientific discoveries they will find overwhelming evidence of the Hand of God.

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