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Shadowmarch: Shadowmarch: Volume I di Tad…
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Shadowmarch: Shadowmarch: Volume I (originale 2004; edizione 2006)

di Tad Williams (Autor)

Serie: Shadowmarch (1)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
2,493446,278 (3.71)61
Fantasy. Fiction. Literature. Historical Fiction. HTML:For generations the misty Shadowline has marked the boundary between the lands of men and the lost northern lands that are the lair of their inhuman enemies, the ageless Qar. but now that boundary line is moving outward, threatening to engulf the northernmost land in which humans still live—the kingdom of Southmarch.
For centuries, the Eddon family has ruled in ancient, forbidding Southmarch Castle, guarding the border against the Qar's return, but now this powerful royal line has been dealt a devestating blow. The monarch, King Olin, is being held captive in a distant land, and it falls to his inexperienced heirs to lead their people in a time of growing danger and dread.
It is on the two youngest Eddons that the heaviest burdens fall. The twins Barrick and Briony, who in such evil times have only each other, may lose even that bond as darkness closes over them. As the Qar's power reaches out across their land, will Southmarch Castle, the only home they've ever known, become in fact what it has long been called—Shadowmarch?
… (altro)
Titolo:Shadowmarch: Shadowmarch: Volume I
Autori:Tad Williams (Autor)
Info:DAW (2006), 816 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

Informazioni sull'opera

Shadowmarch di Tad Williams (Author) (2004)

  1. 20
    Il trono del drago di Tad Williams (Cecrow)
    Cecrow: A better introduction to Tad Williams' fantasy oeuvre.
  2. 21
    Cronache del ghiaccio e del fuoco di George R. R. Martin (alcc)
    alcc: Another high fantasy, the first novel in the series a A Song of Ice and Fire, that shares many similarities. It has an amazing cast of characters, an intricate world, riveting plot, and was thoroughly enjoyable.
  3. 00
    The Dark Tide di Dennis L. McKiernan (Cecrow)
    Cecrow: This earlier work also featured an encroaching "shadowline"
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» Vedi le 61 citazioni

Inglese (40)  Spagnolo (1)  Olandese (1)  Svedese (1)  Tedesco (1)  Tutte le lingue (44)
1-5 di 44 (prossimo | mostra tutto)
I don't need to say much -- the story begins with the father, the king, captive in a large city in the south and an outrageous ransom request, and by the family is broken up, dead or scattered by treachery abounds, help comes from very unexpected quarters . . . while the story lacks true originality I think the twins, the two main characters, will carry me along as I watch them learn and mature. ***1/2 ( )
  sibylline | Aug 18, 2024 |
I give it more of a 3.5 rating, but have to give a BOOOOO to the publisher for messing up the books available for Kindle. Book 2 is missing, with the other books available. ( )
  jazzbird61 | Feb 29, 2024 |
I didn't read this book for years because of personal writing reasons. Now that I have I am glad I waited. Having said that I still enjoyed it. The book started really slow for me. Eventually it got going and by the time I reached the end I felt invested in the characters and the story. ( )
  cdaley | Nov 2, 2023 |
Plods along for awhile in the way I have come to recognize from Tad Williams but eventually got around to being an engaging read. ( )
  levlazarev | Oct 18, 2023 |
The pace is far too slow for such a lengthy book (or perhaps I’m just an impatient reader...), and until the point that I stopped reading (around one-fifth of the way in), I was feeling that the plot just wasn’t developing at all.

The characters in this book should be interesting to me, right? There are simply too many protagonists here, which means none of them get the development time they need to be interesting. To me, protagonists don't need to be likable. An unlikable character can still be captivating. Most of these main characters aren't very likable.

This book is merely the first act of a much larger story, which is fueling all other problems. The purpose of the first book is to do just that! The plot also doesn’t have a lot of forward motion, and apart from a single murder that occurs near the beginning, it resolves nothing else.

It feels like I’ve just read a 750-page prologue, and that’s not good.

A waste of time. ( )
  onlyfiction | Oct 2, 2023 |
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» Aggiungi altri autori (35 potenziali)

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Williams, TadAutoreautore primariotutte le edizioniconfermato
FEBERWEE, EricaTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Hurme-Keränen, AuliTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato

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This book is dedicated to my children, Connor Williams and Devon Beale, who as I write this are still small but extremely powerful. They amaze me every day.

Someday, when they are grown and their mother and I have ambled on to the Fields Beyond, I hope the two of them will be warmed by the knowledge of how fiercely we loved them, and a tiny bit embarrassed by how wickedly they took advantage of it, charming, funny little buggers that they are.
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For almost a thousand years before our Trigonate Era, history was written only in the ancient kingdoms of Xand, the southern continent that was the world's first seat of civilization.
Come away, dreamer, come away. Soon you will witness things that only sleepers and sorcerers can see.
The belling of the hounds was already growing faint in the hollows behind them when he finally pulled up.
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Perhaps it really is as the ancients say, he thought. Perhaps a heart was indeed like a piece of dry birchwood, and could only take fire and burn brightly once - that any fire that came after would be only an ember, smaller and cooler.
It's as if we live on a thousand, thousand different islands in the middle of an ocean, he thought, but with no boats. We can see each other. We can shout to each other. But we can none of us leave our own island and travel to another.
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Risorse esterne che parlano di questo libro

Wikipedia in inglese (1)

Fantasy. Fiction. Literature. Historical Fiction. HTML:For generations the misty Shadowline has marked the boundary between the lands of men and the lost northern lands that are the lair of their inhuman enemies, the ageless Qar. but now that boundary line is moving outward, threatening to engulf the northernmost land in which humans still live—the kingdom of Southmarch.
For centuries, the Eddon family has ruled in ancient, forbidding Southmarch Castle, guarding the border against the Qar's return, but now this powerful royal line has been dealt a devestating blow. The monarch, King Olin, is being held captive in a distant land, and it falls to his inexperienced heirs to lead their people in a time of growing danger and dread.
It is on the two youngest Eddons that the heaviest burdens fall. The twins Barrick and Briony, who in such evil times have only each other, may lose even that bond as darkness closes over them. As the Qar's power reaches out across their land, will Southmarch Castle, the only home they've ever known, become in fact what it has long been called—Shadowmarch?

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