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Sea Beggars di Cecelia Holland
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Sea Beggars (originale 1982; edizione 1982)

di Cecelia Holland

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662412,530 (3.77)3
Against the background of the Protestant Reformation and conflicts between England and Spain, this novel relates the rise of the House of Orange and the beginnings of Dutch nationalism. The factual history of the conflict is long and complex, but Holland tells an insightful, if small, slice of a much bigger picture, through the stories of one Dutch family. Holland brings the reader into the action, fighting alongside Jan & Hanneke against Alva and the Spaniards who seek to crush their revolution.… (altro)
Titolo:Sea Beggars
Autori:Cecelia Holland
Info:Knopf (1982), Edition: 1st ed, Hardcover, 305 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca
Etichette:Netherlands, historical_fiction

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The Sea Beggars di Cecelia Holland (1982)

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I did complete it after trying twice before. I'm not sure why I had a problem other than it is quite grim, particularly at first when the main characters are nothing but leaves in a bitter wind. ( )
  quondame | Dec 2, 2017 |
This was a difficult book for me. The plot was accurate but almost too depressing to continue reading. I just found the disintegration of the family too upsetting and had to stop reading. ( )
  Your_local_coyote | Dec 29, 2013 |
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Cecelia Hollandautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Bralds, BraldtImmagine di copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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You can blow out a candle
But you can't blow out a fire.
Once the flames begin to catch,
The wind will blow it higher.
~ Peter Gabriel
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For Spike van Cleve
and his blue filly
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The revolt of the Dutch against the Spanish monarchy in the late sixteenth century was the first of a long series of national revolutions that changed the nature of government and shaped the societies we now live in.
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Against the background of the Protestant Reformation and conflicts between England and Spain, this novel relates the rise of the House of Orange and the beginnings of Dutch nationalism. The factual history of the conflict is long and complex, but Holland tells an insightful, if small, slice of a much bigger picture, through the stories of one Dutch family. Holland brings the reader into the action, fighting alongside Jan & Hanneke against Alva and the Spaniards who seek to crush their revolution.

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