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Inside a Magical Lodge: Group Ritual in the…
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Inside a Magical Lodge: Group Ritual in the Western Tradition (originale 1998; edizione 1998)

di John Michael Greer

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1463193,846 (3.89)1
Inside a Magical Lodge by John Michael Greer reveals what has been hidden for centuries: the true secrets of what happens inside a magical or fraternal lodge. This revelation is obviously the work of a person who loves the lodge system and wants to see it continue. Some people involved in lodges have forgotten or ignored many of the symbolic and powerful aspects of the lodge. By revealing this information, the book saves and empowers lodges. Inside a Magical Lodge does this without being focused on any one tradition. This adds to the value of the book because the information you learn here can be applied to any magical group, even if they are not following the lodge structure. The book works on two levels. On the practical level it describes the layout of the lodge, including the responsibilities of the officers, the stations they occupy, and even how they should move during rituals. Greer even includes information on setting up your own lodge as a corporation. On a spiritual level, the book includes information on building the group egregore, initiation, and rituals. In fact, the book includes fifteen rites for such things as invisibility, cleansing, sealing the aura, and more. This book is a must for you if you are part of an order or are going to join one. If you want to create your own order you will find that this book has everything you need to know in order to take advantage of the lodge structure. Whatever your purpose is, get your copy today.… (altro)
Titolo:Inside a Magical Lodge: Group Ritual in the Western Tradition
Autori:John Michael Greer
Info:Llewellyn Publications (1998), Edition: 1st, Paperback, 360 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Inside a Magical Lodge: Group Ritual in the Western Tradition di John Michael Greer (1998)

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It's a tribute to John Michael Greer's knowledge and writing skill that this book was relevant and interesting even to a solitary magical practitioner. There is enough generally relevant information in this book, including a fascinating discussion of the purpose and power of secrecy (not what I expected!) that it is a worthwhile read for anyone interested in the serious practice of magic.

I will admit that I didn't read every page, but I read most of it without skimming and found it well worth the time. ( )
  jsabrina | Jul 13, 2021 |
Very clearly written and gives a real sense of the possibilities of magical lodge works. Includes instructions on starting a lodge from scratch including writing rituals, choosing symbolic systems, doing business, etc. ( )
  ritaer | May 26, 2016 |
This was a surprisingly hard-nosed and practical look at the history, logistics, and group dynamics of the lodge system (including, and based around, groups like the Freemasons.) I have always been exceedingly skeptical of ritual magic, but despite the fact that this book was clearly written for practitioners looking for ways to expand their own toolkit, I found that the patient and detailed explanations created a fairly convincing argument for ritual magic as a valid method of self-discovery. It probably helped that at least three quarters of the basic "toolkit" resembles my very non-mystical karate dojo's practices pretty much exactly.

Definitely recommended for people interested in either or both fraternal lodge systems or ritual magic in any tradition. (The author has a background in the Golden Dawn which no doubt informs all of his writings, but he makes an obvious effort to be style-agnostic.) ( )
2 vota JeremyPreacher | Mar 30, 2013 |
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Inside a Magical Lodge by John Michael Greer reveals what has been hidden for centuries: the true secrets of what happens inside a magical or fraternal lodge. This revelation is obviously the work of a person who loves the lodge system and wants to see it continue. Some people involved in lodges have forgotten or ignored many of the symbolic and powerful aspects of the lodge. By revealing this information, the book saves and empowers lodges. Inside a Magical Lodge does this without being focused on any one tradition. This adds to the value of the book because the information you learn here can be applied to any magical group, even if they are not following the lodge structure. The book works on two levels. On the practical level it describes the layout of the lodge, including the responsibilities of the officers, the stations they occupy, and even how they should move during rituals. Greer even includes information on setting up your own lodge as a corporation. On a spiritual level, the book includes information on building the group egregore, initiation, and rituals. In fact, the book includes fifteen rites for such things as invisibility, cleansing, sealing the aura, and more. This book is a must for you if you are part of an order or are going to join one. If you want to create your own order you will find that this book has everything you need to know in order to take advantage of the lodge structure. Whatever your purpose is, get your copy today.

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