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Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence…
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Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design (edizione 2010)

di Stephen C. Meyer (Autore)

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475554,022 (4.09)4
Named one of the top books of 2009 by the Times Literary Supplement (London), this controversial and compelling audiobook from Dr. Stephen C. Meyer presents a convincing new case for intelligent design (ID), based on revolutionary discoveries in science and DNA. Along the way, Meyer argues that Charles Darwin's theory of evolution as expounded in The Origin of Species did not, in fact, refute ID. If you enjoyed Francis Collins's The Language of God, you'll find much to ponder about: evolution, DNA, and intelligent design, in Signature in the Cell.… (altro)
Titolo:Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design
Autori:Stephen C. Meyer (Autore)
Info:HarperOne (2010), Edition: Reprint, 624 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, 2024
Etichette:Intelligent Design

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Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design di Stephen C. Meyer

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Very well written with a well thought out argument and evidence clearly presented. Also a great overview of the history of DNA discoveries. I also liked the strong case for evidence based scientific search for intelligent design. ( )
  MarkTBoyer | Sep 22, 2022 |
Very well written and thorough presentation of ID from a scientific/philosophical perspective. Makes an excellent case for Iad being scientific. I am still baffled by opponents who say it is not science, but I believe it is out of place of ignorance and fear that it truly does identify some of the shortcomings of materialist philosophy. ( )
  bness2 | May 23, 2017 |
This is a very informative book that I really enjoyed. The only downfall is that if you are familiar with scientific concepts and the history surrounding them, the book may be a bit boring in certain sections. ( )
  blog_gal | Jul 26, 2014 |
Meyer argues for intelligent design based on the nature of DNA as information. He shows why other theories (chance, necessity) fail to account for the specified information in DNA. He demonstrates how the theory of Intelligent Design best explains the presence of information: Anywhere else we find information -- software, writing, music -- we assume a mind has produced it. He also shows why the theory of Intelligent Design is not "religion disguised as science" or "dead science."

At points this is a highly technical (and long) book. It tested whatever is left in my mind of two years as a biology major in college. At the same time it is also readable and fascinating, and even if you are unable to follow the ins and outs of the biochemistry, you are still able to grasp the sense of the argument. Meyer is obviously brilliant not just in the science of DNA, but in logic and reasoning as well.

I highly recommend it for anyone with an interest in science and origin-of-life questions. Whether you agree with him or not, you will have to admit he has done his homework and presents his case in a knowledgeable and persuasive way. ( )
1 vota Bibliophilus | Mar 22, 2013 |
Best summary available of argumentation for the involvement of an intelligent agent in evolution based upon the nature of cellular information. ( )
  Jotto | Sep 26, 2009 |
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When James Watson and Francis Crick elucidated the structure of DNA in 1953, they solved one mystery, but created another.
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Named one of the top books of 2009 by the Times Literary Supplement (London), this controversial and compelling audiobook from Dr. Stephen C. Meyer presents a convincing new case for intelligent design (ID), based on revolutionary discoveries in science and DNA. Along the way, Meyer argues that Charles Darwin's theory of evolution as expounded in The Origin of Species did not, in fact, refute ID. If you enjoyed Francis Collins's The Language of God, you'll find much to ponder about: evolution, DNA, and intelligent design, in Signature in the Cell.

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