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Start: How to get your business underway

di Kevin Duncan

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Start is a one-stop guide to getting your business of the ground. Written by someone who has actually been there and done it, it gets straight to the heart of launching your business, with no-nonsense ideas to help you start out with confidence and a clear direction. Pick up some essential tips like: * Start with the idea. What is it and how will it realise your ambitions?What is the long-term plan? If you don't know where you are going then you won't get there. * Simplicity is the key. Don't overcomplicate things so that the idea is pecked to death by ducks. If you can write it on a postcard and explain it to your mum, then you can get started. * Make clear plans. Draw up One-page business and personal plans to work out what you want in the simplest and clearest possible way. * Decide what you want. Flush out whether you are building to sell, or just want the business to fund your lifestyle, then take the leap of faith and get it underway. Work hard, but don't confuse being busy with being effective. * Learn from experience. Realise when you are gaining speed but losing altitude, and have the courage to change things when they aren't working well. All vital stuff, packaged and presented in a way that will help you put it into practice right away. So what are you waiting for? It's time to Start.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente dam.talarek, Dragon_Rouge, pdqdoc

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Start is a one-stop guide to getting your business of the ground. Written by someone who has actually been there and done it, it gets straight to the heart of launching your business, with no-nonsense ideas to help you start out with confidence and a clear direction. Pick up some essential tips like: * Start with the idea. What is it and how will it realise your ambitions?What is the long-term plan? If you don't know where you are going then you won't get there. * Simplicity is the key. Don't overcomplicate things so that the idea is pecked to death by ducks. If you can write it on a postcard and explain it to your mum, then you can get started. * Make clear plans. Draw up One-page business and personal plans to work out what you want in the simplest and clearest possible way. * Decide what you want. Flush out whether you are building to sell, or just want the business to fund your lifestyle, then take the leap of faith and get it underway. Work hard, but don't confuse being busy with being effective. * Learn from experience. Realise when you are gaining speed but losing altitude, and have the courage to change things when they aren't working well. All vital stuff, packaged and presented in a way that will help you put it into practice right away. So what are you waiting for? It's time to Start.

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