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Dr Maniac Vs Robby Schwartz di stine-r-l
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Dr Maniac Vs Robby Schwartz (originale 2008; edizione 2008)

di stine-r-l (Autore)

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384469,215 (3.79)4
Horror. Juvenile Fiction. Suspense. HTML:

Robby creates comic strips on his computer. His favorite creation is Dr. Maniac, a weird and wicked supervillain. Dr. Maniac isn't a real doctor, but he sure is a maniac. And now he's on the loose . . . in the real world!

Meanwhile, seven ordinary kids are now trapped in the popular theme park called HorrorLand. Can Robby survive long enough to find and save them? A hairy situation awaits in Werewolf Village. . . .

.… (altro)
Titolo:Dr Maniac Vs Robby Schwartz
Autori:stine-r-l (Autore)
Info:Scholastic (2008)
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

Informazioni sull'opera

Il diabolico dottor Maniac di R. L. Stine (2008)

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Hmmm...I'm not sure how much I like/dislike this. It was well told, but relied too heavily on the "It was all just a dream" trope (not exactly in that way, though). It was still interesting, if it weren't for the fact that literally all of it was deus ex machina. ( )
  benuathanasia | Apr 20, 2017 |
Criar histórias em quadrinhos é o passatempo favorito do Robby - principalmente personagens insanos e horripilantes, como o Dr. Maluco e o Fúria Roxa. Mas, quando coisas assustadoras começam a acontecer, o garoto se pergunta - será que os supervilões estão fora de controle no mundo real? Depois de tanta ação, nada melhor que ir a um parque de diversões. Só que o Parque do Terror não é como os outros - dá para se perder numa floresta cheia de lobisomens e brincar com jogos de videogame que podem terminar muito mal. Nem mesmo o Robby poderia inventar tantos perigos. Mas e se eles não forem só fantasia?
  melissa.gamador | Sep 10, 2014 |
I have always been a Goosebumps fan, but I only recently discovered the Horrorland series. Each book has a (very) creepy story involving children, followed by a chapter of the Horrorland tale. Each book brings further clarity to the Horrorland section, leaving the reader craving more. Unfortunately, I only have the first eight, so I am in limbo as to what will happen. I cannot wait to obtain the remainder of this thrilling series! ( )
  seldombites | Sep 29, 2013 |
  mapleangel | Jul 14, 2023 |
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Horror. Juvenile Fiction. Suspense. HTML:

Robby creates comic strips on his computer. His favorite creation is Dr. Maniac, a weird and wicked supervillain. Dr. Maniac isn't a real doctor, but he sure is a maniac. And now he's on the loose . . . in the real world!

Meanwhile, seven ordinary kids are now trapped in the popular theme park called HorrorLand. Can Robby survive long enough to find and save them? A hairy situation awaits in Werewolf Village. . . .


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