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Alphabet Juice: The Energies, Gists, and…
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Alphabet Juice: The Energies, Gists, and Spirits of Letters, Words, and Combinations Thereof; Their Roots, Bones, Innards, Piths, Pips, and Secret Parts, ... With Examples of Their Usage Foul and Savory (originale 2008; edizione 2008)

di Roy Blount Jr.

Serie: Alphabet Juice (1)

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5172149,010 (3.43)18
After 40 years of making a living using words in every medium, print or electronic, Blount still can't get over his ABCs. In this book, he celebrates the juju, the sonic and kinetic energies of letters and their combinations.
Titolo:Alphabet Juice: The Energies, Gists, and Spirits of Letters, Words, and Combinations Thereof; Their Roots, Bones, Innards, Piths, Pips, and Secret Parts, ... With Examples of Their Usage Foul and Savory
Autori:Roy Blount Jr.
Info:Farrar, Straus and Giroux (2008), Edition: 1st, Hardcover, 384 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca
Etichette:nonfiction, language

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Alphabet Juice di Roy Blount Jr. (2008)

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» Vedi le 18 citazioni

Life is too short to slog through all the folksy anecdotes and sports reminiscences and stream-of-consciousness ponderings to get to the nuggets of interesting history and etymology. Maybe someday I'll come back and pick at a word here and there...but I doubt it. ( )
  slimikin | Mar 27, 2022 |
ruminations on words
  ritaer | Jul 24, 2021 |
Imagine someone deciding to turn a web site into a book. Imagine an incredibly intelligent author just rambling for a while. Imagine having an interest in words and language and still being incredibly annoyed. And then you'll be like me--imagining that I bothered to finish the book. ( )
  Skybalon | Mar 19, 2020 |
Read by the author. Very funny, might be good to read in print as well. So much packed in. Great to hear Roy Blount read. ( )
  njcur | Feb 13, 2014 |
This book is scholarly and well researched by a master wordsmith and a devoted word lover, but it sometimes becomes too much in one stretch. Often quoteable. ( )
  herbcat | Nov 19, 2012 |
Humorist Roy Blount Jr.'s latest offering may be the most entertaining book you'll never finish. And that's not a knock. It's a nod to Blount's own counsel. "If you read this book the way I would read it and the way I've written it," he suggests in his introduction, "you will wear it out, thumbing back and forth, without ever being sure you've read it all."

"Alphabet Juice" is a sort of circular madcap dictionary. Which is to say, a book about words, compiled alphabetically and with great wit, but according to no other apparent program. Thus it begins with a rambling consideration of the word "a" (and the retelling of a joke about college football players) and ultimately concludes with the word "'zzyzva" (a class of weevils), as well as an invitation to think about the word "aah," which is the book's third entry, found way back on Page 12.

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ELSIE: What's that, Daddy?
FATHER: A cow.

—from a 1906 issue of Punch, quoted by Ernest Weekley as an epigraph to his book An Etymology of Modern English
When we reflect that "sentence" means, literally, "a way of thinking" (Latin: sententia) and that it comes from Latin sentire, to feel, we realize that the concepts of sentence and sentence structure are not merely grammatical or merely academic—not negliglbe in any sense. A sentence is both the opportunity and the limit of thought—what we have to think with, and what we have to think in. It is, moreover, a feelable thought, a thought that impresses its sense not just on our understanding, but on our hearing, our sense of rhythm and proportion. It is a pattern of felt sense.

—Wendell Berry, "Standing by Words"
Captain Smith . . . , happening to be taken Prisoner among the Indians, had leave granted him to send a Message to the Governor of the English Fort in James Town, about his Ransome; the Messenger being an Indian, was surpriz'd, when he came to the Governor, . . . for that the Governor could tell him all his Errand before he spoke one Word of it to him, and that he only had given him a piece of Paper: After which, when they let him know that the Paper which he had given the Governor had told him all the Business, then . . . Capt. Smith was a Deity and to be Worshipp'd, for that he had Power to make the Paper Speak.

—Daniel Defoe. An Essay on the Original of Literature, 1726
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According to scholars of linguistics, the relation between a word and its meaning is arbitrary.
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After 40 years of making a living using words in every medium, print or electronic, Blount still can't get over his ABCs. In this book, he celebrates the juju, the sonic and kinetic energies of letters and their combinations.

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